david attenborough: a life on our planet answer key

What made people change their opinion on the humpback whale? We must tackle poverty and enable people around the world to receive an education - this will bring down population growth to a balanced level. So, Keith, now, maybe for those who haven't had a chance to see it yet, could you give us a little, little synopsis of the film? The company has paid commissions, Sanaysay: 1. David Attenborough 14:13The living world is a unique and a spectacular marvel. And we won't go through all that. So the first thing really is we're all of our voices and things like that. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found. He talks about the Amazon rainforest. So extraordinary decline. I even, growing up in in Texas in high school, you know, we saw some of his documentaries then. \end{array} And David felt very, very deeply that, you know, having witnessed this, I mean, almost being a broadcast through it all and not letting the world know. So they don't, they don't necessary know him so well. We caught up with Keith and Colin from their homes in Bristol and Surrey, England. Matthew 31:52And I guess COVID has shown, and if there's a silver lining is that, if the world puts its mind to it, it can do a lot of things. Boom, overnight, we stopped doing a whole lot of things, we did other things. Because we've realized that we're at this kind of crucial, you know, Colin talks about a tipping point, humanity is at a tipping point. And so those things can turn things around very, very quickly as individuals. Obviously this come out this month, October 2020. Us humans, anatomically modern humans, have been around for 200-230,000 years. But the key thing we've learned from COVID is the world has to act together, if you're going to fix it. I think you've pretty much said it, but what do you want the lasting message of this film to be? But what we noticed was loads of people had watched it, millions of people. He was, he bought into it from a filmmakers perspective, from a producer's perspective, as opposed to an individual. And yes, the scenes with the walruses and that kind of stuff. [10], A companion book, A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future, was released in October 2020. Without giving away everything that this amazing witness statement brings to the fore, I would like to share the following facts and figures that clearly demonstrate the extent and urgency of the challenge we face David Attenborough then outlines how we can turn things round and secure the survival of future generations. 51:51 - The opportunities arising from addressing climate change and preserving biodiversity. WebDavid Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet is a groundbreaking documentary hosted by David Attenborough that explores the changing nature of our Earth and highlights the role that People have never seen pangolins before on television, they've never this before. And this is what they saw. Its a beautiful and visual exploration of ecosystems across the world and a scientifically clear explanation of the imbalance and destruction that human development is driving. And suddenly, an accident happened, that took away their ability to live in this place. There's one on nature and biodiversity which is happening in May next year in China. And I just caught the back end of David's kind of front end of his career. Imported oil and gas for almost all of its energy, 40% of its needs at home from a network of renewable power plants, including the world's largest solar farm. So I'm hoping in the long run, that maybe this might help us in solving the bigger problem. Because this is part of the process. The media is alive. So we're definitely going to try and use some of the momentum from this film towards that. We're working together on other projects, this kind of communications challenge we talked about, we know we were going for at least the next decade, so definitely working together. Let's hear what he has to think about what he's witnessed, what he's seen, and crucially, what he thinks we should do now. Matthew 4:20Well, thanks again for coming on. Summer sea ice has reduced by 40% in the last 40 years - resulting in less and less reflection of the sun rays and more heat to be absorbed by the ocean. And that has often been considered as something that's a bit sad. But we're going to have a little break first. Described as "a pre-emptive eulogy for the Earth" by the Times of London. Keith Scholey 49:44And the thing is we have set in train a geological process. So you've got this very sort of relaxed conversational experience, and to be able to, as therefore one of the days when David was just talking and remembering things and reflecting on things. Turning the world around to do this is achievable. Protecting a third of coastal areas from fishing could allow fish populations to thrive and the remaining area would be sufficient for human consumption. And Colin and I watched this plan go up in smoke. untouched natural world - but it was an illusion. And how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet 415 per million c. Remaining Wilderness = 35% 32. He's actually a very humble man. We rely entirely on this finely tuned life support machine and it relies on its biodiversity to run smoothly. 2020 | Maturity Rating: 7+ | 1h 23m | Science & Nature Docs. We need to use the power and energy of nature to drive our world and stop burning fossil fuels which are creating dangerous levels of carbon dioxide warming the planet. Now, that doesn't mean the Amazon, for example, is completely disappeared within a decade. So let's listen to that now. This is a guy who's probably seen more of the world than any other human that's ever lived. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly. What is causing the loss of biodiversity? And others, of course, whereas voiceover is scripted. And so the whole idea of the film was, let's just keep it simple. But we hadn't brought about change. So there's two of them. I'm now a director of Silverback Films who made the film David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet. "There can be no greater legacy than giving young people the tools they need to save our planet. We destabilized it so much. The official children's companion to the series, written by Matt Whyman and WWF, with a foreword Bringing back pollinators, bringing back trees, restoring the ocean, all of those things will not only bring the benefits, they must obviously bring back those environments, but they also bring stability back to the planet. I was 20. Because we thought, together, we stood a better chance of actually making a series that could both draw in a big audience, and bring about change. WebComing to Netflix October 4 2020, the film addresses some of the biggest challenges facing life on our planet, providing a snapshot of global nature loss in a single lifetime. David Attenborough 24:55I was in a television studio when the Apollo mission launched. When somebody like Gavin came up with a different way of presenting this and different ways of interviewing him. When you have a missing image on your site you may see a box on your page with with a red X where the image is missing. So no, he completely embraced that. 05:17 - The synopsis of A Life on Our Planet and who Sir David Attenborough is. It means that we're past the point where we can turn off that system. But you could still, in the 70s, you could still go to places on this world and at the same time we were putting a man on the moon, you could still meet people who had no contact with Western civilization, none whatsoever. It's one of my family was keen to watch. And we're in quite a small town so it's not so locked down as other parts but yeah, all good. RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] It's only know if I appreciate how extraordinary. Yes. We interviewed the filmmakers behind the Stewart Brand Doc, and he was really big in the US on bringing, well getting NASA to release some of those images. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Matthew 13:34Okay. Connect live to experts and classrooms worldwide via Skype in the Classroom. That was really, I mean, maybe Keith, you can talk about this as well, that seemed to, was that a bit of a change from what had been done before? That's why humans must never let stability go. How are you guys affected by COVID-19? Which of these technological advances is associated with the development of writing? An element that makes up about 21% of Earth's atmosphere. But, I mean, whose idea was this to actually, let's do a retrospective, nominally, of David Attenborough's life. I've been Wildlife filmmaker for too long to remember. And there's one that's happening on climate change, which is effectively the follow up to the Paris Climate Agreement in November next year. We need to learn how to work with nature rather than against it. And I've been aware of Sir David Attenborough for a long time. Not able to change back to a former state; impossible be undone. It is very, very clear that we can get ourselves out of this mess. rather than it being a scientific challenge. It is not an inevitability that things are going to carry on and go badly wrong. Keith, since you know David so well, why this film and why now? Although the film is pretty, pretty straight to the point and gives us a lot of solutions in terms of what needs to be done in order to avoid this worsening crisis and then ultimately, what is potentially a human extinction. You know, it was, I think quite a difficult thing for him to come and take on. And it's rather sad because we're gonna have a big premiere in the Albert Hall and cinema release, and so on and so forth. We know, we are going to have to flip our entire economies to become more sustainable. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. And obviously, there's a lot to do to solve those two issues. So again, thanks for coming on to the show. Never. We are cutting down 15 billion trees each year and in total 3 trillion trees have been removed. How has the summer sea ice in the Arctic changed over the past 40 years? But we do have an international audience. We're replacing the wild with the tame. As a child, Attenborough enjoyed studying fossils. /index.php [L] Some of Sir David Attenborough's Documentaries include: Not only has his works opened the eyes of millions of viewers around the world, but has cemented the BBC Natural History Units place as a frontrunner, if not the best, in producing nature documentaries. Colin Butfield 51:52There are huge opportunities. A large coal fired power plant has an efficiency of 45% and produces net 1,500 MW of electricity. And that was the inspiration of the film. WWF-UK is a registered charity in England and Wales 1081247 and in Scotland SC039593 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 4016725. The single most important component for keeping the planet stable. Keith Scholey 44:02Yeah, the film, we've finished. I feel passionate about that. Subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at Alamo pictures to keep up to date with new releases for upcoming shows. But I mean, are there, while I've got your here, I think I've seen, are there things on your sites? This film is my witness statement and my vision of the future, the story of how we came to make this our greatest mistake, and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. 34:04 - How the idea came about to create a retrospective of Sir David Attenboroughs life. And I think everyone thinks that fixing this is all going to be, we're all gonna have to become poor, we're all gonna have to live in terrible lives. When working with WordPress, 404 Page Not Found errors can often occur when a new theme has been activated or when the rewrite rules in the .htaccess file have been altered. WebDavid Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet. And then when we kind of built on that. Obviously, you know, times are strange. So have your voice and make sure that your voice is heard, so that we do solve it. And that's really what the film's about. Colin Butfield 6:31No, it's a great question. And the other one is 3) what we waste. And as Colin rightly says, human civilization has no experience of existing in an outer control planet. I work for the UK branch of World Wildlife Fund. And even now, I've been working with him for about 15 years on various things, to work this intensely on a project where he was often recalling elements of his career, in particular his career, to degree his personal life, but mostly his career, was extraordinary. Carbon and the food. But probably the single biggest three areas of impact each of us have is 1) the emissions we generate, and particularly through the way we travel and the way we eat, 2) how, if we're fortunate enough to be in a position like my country, it's mandated to have a pension, if you're employed how your money ia saved and spent. Keith Scholey 48:12For me, it is recognize that we're in a crisis, and come together to do everything you can to enable the changes to happen that need to happen. Did he resist that? mainly caused How are things with you? When you get a 404 error be sure to check the URL that you are attempting to use in your browser.This tells the server what resource it should attempt to request. And that spot off then the film with David. It was very much appreciated. [4] It was released on Netflix on 4 October 2020,[5] along with a companion book A Life on Our Planet.[6]. Matthew 33:20Well, I do want to get to talk a little bit more about what needs to be done. See the Section on 404 errors after clicking a link in WordPress. But I wanted to get to the project, because this is, we've kind of touched on this already. We've had a academic who's looked at Inconvenient Truth and what scare films can do in terms of backfiring and these sort of things. WebDavid Attenborough: A Life On Our Planetis a first-hand account of humanitys impact on nature and a message of hope for future generations. Starring: David Attenborough Watch all you want. We've got, I mean, same thing wierd world, these times, all the rest of it. WebSummary. Areas of the Arctic or Antarctic were different to what the filming crew expected due to ice caps melting. And that has to be the message, people have to understand. Like links to your website, to show what, as individuals we can do in terms of helping? Colin Butfield 39:35There's bits and bits. But it seems to me that we don't even have time to wait for them to start doing things. Boring, interesting, hard, life risking, fun. Either way, please contact your web host immediately. And that completely changed the mindset of the population, the human population of the world. A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of life on Why are persons who are confined to bed less likely to develop bedsores on their bodies if they rest on a waterbed rather than on an ordinary mattress? 20:26 - How A Life On Our Planet's mission is connected with the Our Planet series on Netflix. And some of the people in the BBC says, Well, I reckon this is probably going to be, you know, Attenborough's last one. 43:51 - How COVID-19 has affected the filming of David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet. Blue Planet II explained in But obviously people want to know practically What can I do every single day. I think there's even a little, some archival in there, about even meeting up with the tribe that had never had any contact with the outside world. And how do you go about telling this story? He desperately wanted to let the world know that we were in an extraordinary dangerous moment. And suddenly the penny drops and you suddenly think Ah, this is what we should be doing. You may need to scroll to find it. So he has quite literally been filming, recording, experiencing the natural world for 60 years. Right click on the X and choose Properties. The documentary ends once again at Chernobyl, as it is today with the empty streets and buildings across this city now re-wilding. Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals. And there I was, actually being asked to explore these places and record the wonders of the natural world for people back home. Matthew 48:02And for both of you. Matthew 41:10And yet, you're talking about technology. A Life On Our Planetis the first un-nature documentary, and its message is this: For the first time, one species living on Earth will choose what the future looks like. And so, in the end, it boiled down to him and him deciding that he was prepared to go down this road. What does David Attenborough describe as the biggest tragedy the world is experiencing in a series of events? And that's why, as Colin says, it really falls down to us as communicators to get this across. It was extraordinary that you could see what a man out in space could see as he saw it at the same time. WebSir David Attenborough provided us with a powerful first-hand account of our impact on nature. A chemical intended to kill insects and other organisms that damage crops. And Kenya in the 60s was just like paradise. And then I've, you know, lately I've been saying it's going to be Gen Z or Gen Zed depending on where you live, that's going to save the day. In David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet, Keith Scholey of Silverback Films and Colin Butfield of the World Wildlife Fund bring us Sir David's witness statement. Our homepage is alamopictures.co.uk, Apple Podcasts | Google Podcast | Amazon Music | Spotify | Stitcher, David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet (2020), Steward Brand: America's Last Great Optimist, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore and Climate Change, 7 New Netflix Biopics to Look out for in 2023, 6 Nature Documentary Series to Binge Watch. And we will gain an awful lot from it. 2020 | Maturity Rating: 7+ | 1h 23m | Science & Nature Docs. Keith Scholey and Colin Butfield, welcome to Factual America. Three key themes struck me as vitally important to make this plan succeed: A. A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of Honest, revealing and urgent, DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: A LIFE ON OUR PLANET is a powerful first-hand account of humanitys impact on nature and a message of hope for future generations. You may get a 404 error for images because you have Hot Link Protection turned on and the domain is not on the list of authorized domains. Excellent. This podcast is produced by Alamo pictures specializing in documentaries, television and shorts about the USA for international audiences. The causes are anthropogenic climate change and biodiversity loss pushing the planet towards a sixth mass extinction event over a period of centuries rather than the hundreds of millennia that built up to previous mass extinctions. Why I mean, he's in his 90s but he hasn't retired and he still seems to be going strong. Ano ang katayuan ng Araling Salin dito sa Pilipinas? And that's the challenge. Sparkling coastal seas, vast forests, immense grasslands, you could fly for hours over the untouched wilderness. Annual lease payment payable at the beginning of each year amounted to P500,000. I mean, that's the man. WebHonest, revealing and urgent, David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet is a powerful first-hand account of humanitys impact on nature and a message of hope for future A big accident is happening, which is going to take away our ability to live in this place. A Netflix original documentary series and groundbreaking collaboration between WWF, Netflix and Silverback Films, Our Planet showcases the world's natural wonders, iconic species and wildlife spectacles that still remain. And what was most extraordinary about that is he would have this big recollection of a moment in time, let's say when the Blue Planet film crew first filmed coral bleaching, and he didn't know what it was, and nobody really knew why it was happening. Getting people to engage, but not be so afraid that they turn off and don't do anything. That was the plan. But we'd filmed in Chernobyl for the Our Planet series. Matthew 51:04Reminded me of something much more pedestrian, But it was a financial crisis. Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a .htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the .htaccess so those scripts can function. Using the framework for studying Rizal's life (three disciplinary approaches), identify three turning points in Jose Rizal's life and analyze how these turning points shaped his perspectives. But we know many heads of state, many government leaders, many business leaders have seen these films. Attenboroughs advice is broad to the point of being unhelpful (use natural energy, consider veganism, look for other ways to raise our standard of living without increasing our impact, etc. Because then he gets people thinking, even if you're thinking, you're so selfish, you don't care about, you know, I'll be dead before any of this stuff happens. But actually, it's the system's change. But I think actually, what's happened now is the whole COVID crisis has allowed people to reflect very much about what's important. And seeing that public reaction to it, seeing it themselves with their families, we've had numerous messages. Keith, how are things with you in Bristol? Because it seemed to me that was really capturing this Earth at a tipping point. I'm sure you would agree. And that's quite a tricky thing to do. This was 1983. This website uses cookies and similar identifiers to give you the best online experience. And this is Factual America. This is a speed of change that exceeds any changes that have occurred in the last 10,000 years. Suppose you throw a 0.052kg0.052-\mathrm{kg}0.052kg ball with a speed of 10.0m/s10.0 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}10.0m/s and at an angle of 30.030.0^{\circ}30.0 above the horizontal from a building 12.0m12.0 \mathrm{~m}12.0m high. Colin Butfield 16:10Well, I think we've got two things happening at exactly the same time. Keith Scholey 11:31Yeah, that was in New Guinea, actually. 37:50 - What it was like working with Sir David Attenborough. Free Primary and Secondary WWF resources for your region. It was the best time of my life. He reminds us that the health of humanity is directly related to the health of the environment and wildlife. The chronology of events and the timeline of change across Davids lifetime is incredible. And, of course, what's happening hand in hand with that is climate change. The film is, we've just listened to the the trailer, is David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity PNG and png are not the same locations. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through Flickr.com.Click to see the original works with their full license. Even for ourselves. Our population has reached 7.8 billion, carbon levels are now at 415 parts per million and the remaining wilderness at 35%. It really is. And I'm going to tell you how. He visited places such as the African Serengeti, in which native animals require vast areas of land to maintain grazing patterns. WebThis product is a viewing guide to the Netflix documentary movie David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet about biodiversity, ecosystems, energy generation, and climate Is that, maybe we can end on that note? Like a lot of great ideas. And so, you know, it's such an important time, and communicators like us need to do whatever we can. And they just hear so many different problems, cascade of different things and don't seem to relate. Yet the way we humans live on Earth now is sending biodiversity into a decline. The Guardian says: "Attenborough delivers a stark warning that time is ticking for the planet." Because the school of thought was, if you start talking about the doom and gloom of what's happening to the planet, you'll lose audience. One word sums up the incredible variety of animals and plants on Earth. 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Had viewings with Prince William and his family. Matthew 6:00Alright. Our planet is headed for disaster. And I'm not a young man anymore. And that is why the whole thing is, in my mind, so frustrating, but also so urgent. In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/. See our privacy notice for more details. WebFree Our Planet Primary and Secondary WWF resources for your region. At 93 he has spent his lifetime exploring the planet and witnessing the changes taking place in every part of the living world. Because we are the generation that is stuck in this moment where we can either fix it or destroy it. Keith Scholey 27:36I mean, the crazy thing about our times, is the scientists have done the work, they've shown us the problems. And one of the techniques we used in the film was, simply because David's such an accomplished presenter, people are so used to, he's so used to being on camera, people are so used to seeing him on camera. And I think it's really nice to break how you normally see David. David Attenborough 'A Life on our Planet', David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Set 1, Prentice Hall Brief Review: The Living Environment 2019, Patofizjologia kolos IV + selftesty hemostaza, block 2 exam 2 -- high yield -- tutor ppt. Over time, he noticed a decline in wildlife when searching for fish or orangutans in Borneo or other animals which he was looking for as part of his documentaries. That's why we teamed up with Colin and WWF. So the WWF is working hard to, besides making all of us who have Netflix subscriptions relies, making governments and policymakers aware of the dire nature of this situation? In terms of how he thinks and how he does things. What was the buried treasure he found in the rocks as a boy? Whose idea was that? Obtain the moles of substance in the following. We need to slow the rate at which the global I watched David Attenboroughs witness statement last night entitled A life on our planet. So it's totally a no brainer. But, you know, you start in Chernobyl, which is an interesting way to frame it. Because it's quite an accomplishment to do that. But nature will find a way and be able to carry on. Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level; able to continue over a period of time. And you know, we've got through the Coronavirus first round in the spring pretty well. One of the extraordinary things about it was that the world could actually watch it as it happened. I definitely know that. At a time when nobody had gone overseas to make natural history programs, he basically got told, go spend three months somewhere exotic finding stuff, and record it for audiences. An animal that is hunted and killed by another for food. WebThis Video Response Worksheet and Key is based on the BBC documentary series "Our Planet - Episode 1: One Planet" as narrated by David Attenborough.You will receive a Head on down to the show notes for more information about today's episode, our guests and the team behind the podcast. Help us understand what we, I want to focus, first of all, because I think many times as individuals, we kind of feel like we're powerless. Matthew 46:42Okay, and when is that big meeting happening? So it's for three guys, three blokes here in the UK. Matthew 2:03That is the trailer for the Netflix documentary, David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet. I think one of the great things about making this film with Silverback and Sir David is that even policymakers want to see these films. And so an unstable world, and we know this from what's happened in past extinction events, can take eons to sort itself out. Matthew 11:19I think, yeah, you mentioned Borneo. And to begin with, it was quite easy. The rest from mice to whales make up only 4%. It can you know, we make it a vaccine in record time, you know, if resources and scientists are given that sort of backing things can be achieved in a much quicker time than any of us had imagined. The domestication of animals The development of agriculture Iron smelting Horticulture, BTS Company entered into a 10-year lease of a commercial space on January 1, 2021. You can try renaming that file to .htaccess-backup and refreshing the site to see if that resolves the issue.

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