hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Tweaked the Ethiopian Power to the Council national focus to give more stability. The French Republic's Lingering Communard Resistance modifiers are now applied in territories returned by the Lyon Conference. Rebalanced Liangguangs Professional Training and Massive Literacy Campaign national foci. Fixed Sardinias Amadeo not being restored in their annexation event, if Sardinia had previously capitulated. Players can build past this limit, but they will be notified when theyre over it (via a flashing alert on their Recruit & Deploy tab) and will receive a malus that increases the more they go over that limit. Removed the Lost Momentum national spirit from the Lianguang Civil War. Improved the supply availability on the Fengtian / Qing border. Added the missing description for Belgium to join the Reichspakt. Added Homel as a Ukrainian name for the Gomel state. The results of Scandinavias elections are now influenced by the former ruling governments of its constituents. We've straightened a number of things out, but we've also expanded the Ottoman "Fevzi" route, so you're getting a little content bonus too. Fixed the American Union States missing advisor portrait for Earl Long. Fixed Siams Thamrongnawasawat Rebellion not firing as much as it is supposed to. Russia will now send volunteers to Greece and Romania in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed Confederation SIC not giving Savoy/Nice to a puppet Sardinia. Fixed broken unit frontlines in Minnesota. Fixed the Fall of Germany causing Guangzhouwan to go to the French Republic, instead of a Chinese unifier. Slightly reduced the length of some Argentine national foci and tweaked the rewards. Added an upgraded starting tank armour and light tank chassis technology to Russia. Qing AI will only attack Shanxi before the 5th ZhiFeng War if they win the LEP intervention. Reduced the South African Republic army focus AI weights to a more reasonable value. Increased the amount of military factories that spawn at the start of the American Civil War. Fixed Norway's Rikshirden leaders not being created correctly. Improved the AI focus priority for Dutch East Indies. UKR now gets a claim on Kuban and Rostov when releasing the Don-Kuban Union. Changed the effect of the Mobility Potential focus for Chile. Gave Montenegro a base attack and defense idea, reminiscent of Sisu. Tweaked the AI so that it is less likely to increase conscription law while their existing manpower pool is still mobilising. Harold Alexander now starts as a Canadian Field Marshal. Nerfed the Red Baron trait for Germanys Manfred von Richthofen. Fixed the recruitable manpower bonuses being too small, for various countries. Updated several German national spirit icons. AI Romania is now less hell-bent on conquering West Banat. Fixed the NPA tree not loading correctly for Liangguang. Fixed a Romania event for Bucovina referencing the incorrect country. Fixed Galicia joining Poland while in the Brotherhood of Slavs. Fixed a Japanese event causing TRM to annex Russia mid-war. Indochina no longer gives a guarantee to Bharatiya Commune. Argentina can no longer release Paraguay while at war with FOP (to avoid puppeting shenanigans if it's defeated). Fixed a potential unlinking of the countries involved in the IEDC, and the effect that it gives them. Fixed countries remaining in Mitteleuropa while at war with Germany. Fixed Lithuania sending the wrong event to Germany about the NatPop uprising. Then they can either restore the Italian Federation or release Lombardy and go their own way. Bohemia is now led by Alois Podhajsky at game start. Shandong puppeted by Anqing now gets guaranteed by the Fengtian Government. Fixed Germany getting two options to annex Austria in its annexation event. Fixed a rare case of the wrong Hertzog event firing. Fixed Ye Ju not being moved to Sichuan alongside Chen Jiongming. Added new selectable political and military advisors to almost every playable country in the game, including over a hundred traits and thousands of new unique advisor images. Fixed Paraguay not being able to attack Brazil. Serbia no longer requires the states Dalmatia and Lika to form Yugoslavia. The Dominican Republic now loses its Occupation of Haiti national spirit if they lose the state. Fixed German East Asias decision to reintegrate Indochina being invisible. Amended Commune of Frances AI so that it always attacks Germany eventually. Polands socialist and nationalist revolts can now occur when Poland is not in a faction. Tweaked German air and industrial companies. Southern Rhodesia now has unique companies. Centroamerica can now annex Costa Rica and Panama. Streamlined the mechanics of the Mittelafrikan collapse. Colombia now starts with the transport tech, so that it can invade Panama. Split the Maghreb strategic region into Western and Eastern regions. Socialist Burma no longer joins the Third Internationale, unless set to do so by the game rule. Added a monarchy option for puppet Montenegro. Fixed Afghanistans annexation mission occasionally not firing. Jabal Shammar is no longer released as an Ottoman Emirate. Characters. Fixed several unique classes of battlecruisers being defined as battleships. Hunan can now pursue Buddhisation Decisions while a Federalist puppet. Removed a random 5% chance for Norway not being accepted into the Internationale. Belgium now loses cores on occupied French land that they hand over to the French Republic. Fixed a bunch of Fengtian variables having wrong scope that potentially caused issues issues with Fengtian-Japan relationship events. Fengtian no longer gets events about Japan joining its wars if Japan has capitulated. Xinjiang cannot call in allies or be called into wars until it finishes its civil war. Decreased how often South Africa is able to declare on Sdwestafrika in the collapse of Mittelafrika, now requiring Namibia to be at war with Sdwestafrika. Fixed South Africa not being able to properly reform the army in Smuts' path. Fixed the LKMT decisions to negotiate showing up for puppeted targets. Socialist Russia now recovers from the Second Russian Civil War more quickly. Fixed Icelands plebiscite occurring if Iceland was annexed and puppeted prior to the plebiscite. Fixed PatAut Norway using the wrong flag. Fixed an incorrect image path for a French Republic event. Shandongs Qu Tongfeng is now a general rather than an admiral. The peace deal for Greeces Megali Idea and Fight for Macedonia wars is now only available if Greece is the one to start the war, or joins on behalf of Cyprus. Fixed the Ottoman Empire's Assyrian Revolt mission not targeting Basra. Rwanda and Urundi no longer spawn during the Mittelafrikan collapse. Added new traits available to Operatives. Tibet can now get +1 research slot on the Young Tibet path. Fixed Chen Jiongming becoming a puppet of Tang Jiyao. Removed the costs for refusing the Siam peace deal. Fixed a missing title for a Cuban opinion modifier. Changed Dnaburgs default state name to Latgale, and added a Belarusian endonym. Tooltip warnings about breaking the balance in Italy will no longer appear if the Socialist Republic of Italy does not exist. Fixed Korea not having the correct national focuses and spirits after being re-puppeted. Fixed a number of states being wrongly transferred in the Armenia, Iraq and Ottoman annexation events. Fixed Germany not releasing Siberia or DKB properly. Nerfed Irelands infrastructure in Connacht and Munster compared to Leinster and Ulster. The new songs are: a ira mieux demain, Ce que c'est qu'un drapeau, Cocorico, Debout la France, Hymne de L'Infanterie de Marine, Ils ne la gagneront pas, Ils Reviendront, La France de demain, La Galette, La Royale, Le Chant des Girondins, Le Cuirassier, Le Rve Passe, Marche des Tirailleurs, Nous autres de la chasse (Us of the Hunt)", La Renouveau, Rhin et Danube,Semons le Grain de la Lumire and a new version of La Marche Lorraine. Removed the militia unit - militias are now represented by infantry division templates with low combat width. Removed the duplicate Tibetan decision to integrate Tawang. Fixed American tags being unable to core certain states that remained loyal. A new mechanic for military cooperation has been implemented for the Reichspakts Eastern Europe puppets, in which they can pool their resources together for distributing equipment and making common defenses. Updated Sdwestafrikas national focus durations and tweaked their economic tree and its effects. Manpower and equipment values for battalions have been reverted to vanilla values, and as such are no longer inflated by 50%. Fixed Azerbaijan joining the Istanbul Pact after the Russo-Ottoman Convention. Adjusted the stats for some Ulster commanders. Fixed Madras Dravida Nadu path being unable to core Ceylon. The Paraguayan election non-snap events now increase party popularity of the chosen party, rather than set the entire political wheel. Fixed the Shan annexation insta-cancelling. Tweaked the Patagonian military trees, with the national focus duration reduced from 42-56 days to 35 days, and the effects slightly nerfed. Latvia now asks Estonia for an alliance instead of adding them automatically. Fixed Lebanons Pierre Gemayel having the incorrect description. The Argentinean Immigration mechanic now speeds up the countrys industrialisation, at the cost of reduced stability. Some adjustments to the Treaty of Budapest: the AI is now guaranteed to accept peace, unless theyre in a faction and the faction leader (a player) has already refused the treaty, Added more variations to the event text, particularly for Italy and Poland, and covering the possibility for when Germanys intervention means Italy might not receive anything out of the treaty (the text wont imply that they do), Workaround for a rare occurrence where partial control over a non-enemy state whose owner is in exile will drag them into a peace conference, even though their faction hasnt capitulated yet, Fixed incorrect state id reference in Status of Salonica trigger, All government changes in Switzerland, Honduras, Uruguay, Papal State, and Lombardy now properly remove old ministers, Bulgaria no longer loses all its cores in the instance where the Greek rebel state is annexed by Greece proper (Bulgarias cores were accidentally being removed instead of the Greek rebel cores), Fate of Dalmatia decision now fires the correct event, Fixed Guangzhou being counted as part of Legation Cities, Fixed Mongolian and Tibetan endonyms being overridden by Chinese ones, Socialist Russia no longer claims Pas-de-Calais, Fixed a puppet Ma Clique being able to change their government, Alash Orda will no longer be set free by the RCW in the rare case where they stay loyal, Fixed the Romanian legionary minister changes removing the HoG, Poland can now be granted a puppet Galicia if released after the latter, Replaced Bulgarian flags coat of arms with one the monarchy actually used, Germany: Eberhard von Mackensen, Albert Kesselring, August von Mackensen, Gerd von Rundstedt, Gotthard Heinrici, Rupprecht von Bayern, Heinz Guderian, Walter Model, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Wilhelm III (General Variant), Erich Raeder, Ewald Kleist, Friedrich Paulus, Hermann Boehm, Erwin von Witzleben, Erich von Manstein, Erich Hoepner, Franz von Papen, Georg Kuchler, Gnther Ltjens, Lothar Arnauld Periere, Rudolf Rocker, Wilhelm Souchon, Gustav Krupp, Karl Doenitz, Gunther Kluge, Hermann Hoth, Wilhelm Pieck, Others: Ali Kelmendi (ALB), Ahmet Zogu (ALB), Jawaharlal Nehru (BHC), Georgi Dimitrov (BUL), Reginald Hildyard (CAF), Carlos Campo (CHL), Yang Yuting (FNG), Asgeir Asgeirsson (ICE), Ta Thu Thau (INC), Eoin ODuffy (IRE), Franz Ritter von Epp (MAF), Theodor von Hippel (MAF), Ferdinand Schorner (MAF), Guy Halifax (SAF), Thomas Dewey (USA), Saint Louis in Senegal is now in the right place, Volgograd state and VP has been renamed to Tsaritsyn from the start, Fixed the urban terrain of Tashkent being on the wrong place. Fixed Iceland keeping its faction-specific national spirits upon annexation. Fixed the outcome of some late-game RadSoc Union of Britain events. The Fate of the Imperial Family now fires for whoever puppeted Japan. Fixed the Legation Cities unrest mechanic values going into negatives. Added some negative effects to Canadas negotiate with Quebec path, so its not better in every way than the other paths. Fixed Ireland joining two factions at once. Updated a couple of Russian event templates to match the starting template. Austria will now send its volunteers in the Spanish Civil War to the Kingdom of Spain, instead of the Carlists. Canada's naval exercises now cause some degree of World Tension if in foreign waters. Zveno Bulgaria now puppets Romania as AutDem instead. Enjoy! Fixed the Legation Cities not properly joining the Entente, if the latter is not led by Canada. Bonjour!Ravi de rejoindre ce reddit. Fixed an annexation bug where Panama was trying to decide how to puppet itself. Added decisions for Argentina to mobilise emergency divisions, and decrease production cost of infantry equipment, if they are losing against Chile and Patagonia. Reduced some of Canada's starting factories and state slots. Greece's Megali Peace now also hands over the claimed lands of Greece's puppets. Fixed Fengtian trying to retire their advisors twice. PLC can now try to recover the entire Commonwealth, not just land from Austria and Russia. Fixed Greece permanently not being able to join the Reichspakt if they seize Germanys industries, instead of temporarily. Fixed Transamur not losing their Japan-related national spirits, if the latter is defeated. Germany can now fortify before the 2nd Weltkrieg starts. Increased offensive war War Support loss to vanilla's -20%. Serbia's decision to attack Austria now has ITA- and POL-specific targeting to preempt issues, Fixed DDR and GRU getting cores on Memel without owning Knigsberg, Fixed all countries in the world going for Grand Battleplan, Replaced the UoB's concentrated-dispersed focus dichotomy with another idea level, to avoid needing tech triggers, Fixed the trigger for the Gumbinnen annexation, Fixed YUN losing manpower in a civil war event without combat, Removed a deprecated GER focus to invade Denmark (now better handled by a DEN decision), Fixed a POR event referencing the wrong year, Fixed the POL-UKR peace deal having inverted loc, Fixed a GXC decision taking two years to complete, Fixed Japan ceding the Legation Cities to Fengtian via their foci, AI Fengtian will refuse to start the Conference if set to pro-Japan in the game rules, Fixed the peaceful HOL revolution not loading the socialist tree, Fixed the Harass Political Enemies decision for Romania decoupling the influence values, Fixed Serbia attacking Austria during the Venetian war, Fixed Serbia joining two factions at once, Fixed RUS not getting resistance on LAT and EST states, Austria's event to return lands now checks for any puppet- and ally-held areas as well, SAF is no longer arbitrarily restricted from releasing Namibia or Mozambique, Fixed Canada not getting the Fate of America, Fixed SOV's tree being blocked by a player finishing the war too quickly, Fixed missing infantry equipment bonus to camels (vanilla bug), by adding a new subcategory of mounted infantry (includes camels and cavalry), Added missing bicycle and amtrak bonuses to some techs. Fixed Shandong having +50% resource gain efficiency. Fengtian now uses a different focus icon for their pro-Japan path. Added tech and doctrine cost reduction to two Romanian national focuses. Releasing socialist Danubia can now be done even if Austria went status quo. Fixed Serbia being able to release Bulgaria during the IMRO uprising. Alignments determine who the ideology is aligned towards, for example: Western Outlook means that the party aligns with the western countries (USA, UK, France, etc.) Fixed some generals not joining their respective revolts in NatPop Brazil. Fixed SocDem Mexico joining the Third International. Added annexation options for Mittelafrika to receive Namibia, Bechuanaland and Zimbabwe. Armoured car models for League of Eight Provinces. A restored United Kingdom is now much less likely to claim Northern Ireland if Ireland is in the Entente. Added some improvements to triggers of the League of Eight Provinces events for invasion warning, loan location and League collapse events. Fixed Verdinaso Flanders being unable to access the Revise the Treaty national focus. Updated the Spanish states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. Added socialist and SocDem party popularity to Argentina, in case of peaceful reunification with Patagonia. Fengtian can now ask for Japanese aid at any time, not just when fighting Qing, though the AI will be hesitant to do so unless losing. India's focuses to take Ceylon now account for German East Asia owning the Andamans. The Korean Military Administration modifier is now re-applied correctly if the Korean uprising fails. Fixed Tripolitania changing ideology as a puppet. The Two Sicilies have had their faction joining changed to decisions, and require the entire political tree to be completed. Poland and Finland no longer join the Reichspakt due to Socialists winning the 2nd Russian. Germany may now choose to intervene in the regular Italy/Austria peace event in the same manner it intervenes in the Belgrade Pact/Austria peace event, no longer making a solo war the superior choice for Italy. Peru and Ecuador can now do a white peace if Ecuador is doing well in the Pastaza war. Fixed a broken peace deal for the Italian Republics war with Austria. The Federalists can now give ultimatums to Shanxi if they border it. The Caspian Sea is now treated as a proper sea, allowing for supply and naval invasions. Fixed Turkey retaining Karabagh if Azerbaijan is somehow annexed, and the Ottomans lose the Desert War. Fengtian can no longer expel Japanese officers before gaining Beijing, and must do so via their national focus. Ukraine can no longer core southern Bucovina. Fixed an invalid Georgian division template. Overhauled Dutch East Indies state names in English and Dutch. Rio de Oro and Northern Finland are now impassable. Fixed King George staying around in a socialist Greece. Democratic Tibet now has elections every 6 years instead of 10. Adjusted the duration of two of Mittelafrikas national foci. Tweaked the composition of Indian starting divisions. Removed two continuous Autonomy national foci that are not compatible with Kaiserreich. Added a separate annexation event for Khuzestan, so that it now can be given to either Iraq or Persia. Transamur will be given the correct states in their peace deals. Fixed Belgium not getting correctly renamed to Flanders-Wallonia, if Adalbert is restored. Malta may now request to join Italy, if both are under the same overlord or faction leader. OOB changes for Greece, Socialist Italy, Tibet, Finland, Alash Orda, Transamur, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Romania, Chile, Ethiopia and Somalia. Socialist Russia can now ask the rest of the Internationale for aid, and vice versa, instead of them sharing mutual guarantees of independence. Added Guan Xiangying as a puppet leader for Fengtian / Manchuria. Fixed a Cambodian annex event not transferring land to German East Asia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, A dose of Imperialism a day keeps the Syndies away. Decreased the duration of several League of Eight Provinces national foci and made the tree more dynamic. Restored all Brazilian leader descriptions accidentally deleted. Added Angin Mamiri and Bengawan Solo for Insulindia. Fixed broken descriptions on Dutch East Indies national spirits. Egypt will now give Arabia to Hejaz in the Ottoman Peace Deal, if possible. Improved plane AI designs for fighters, close air support and naval bombers. Updated the flag render for Bosnia and the South German Federation. Fixed Romanias Corneliu Codreanu crashing the game when removed as Prime Minister. Added Elisaveta Shahkhatuni as an air theorist and Military High Command member for Armenia. Fixed the Ottoman Millet Mektepleri decisions being visible after the national spirit is removed. Italian resource decisions are now tied to their respective national foci. Fixed Oman keeping inappropriate national spirits upon puppeting. Fixed authoritarian Sardinia tackling the agrarian issues. Fixed puppet Russia getting Vladimir on the throne. Added annexation options to give Burma to either of the three starting Indian countries, and also added options for them to claim Burma. Altered the shape of the Bulgarian/Ottoman border, and the course of the Maritsa river. Increased Curaao's state category and starting oil reserves in Dutch-controlled South America. Fixed a reference to Codreanu in a Romanian event where he has already died. Fixed some missing Puerto Rico ministers. Fixed Anqing being unable to attack Shandong. Reduced the completion time of Austria's foreign policy national focuses. Fixed Peru keeping the Peru-Bolivia Confederation claims upon being released. Adapted the national foci of many Chinese splinters to the new integration mechanics. Fixed the Siam coalition government mechanic. The L-KMT can no longer integrate non-Han regions. Hejaz no longer refers to the Hashimids in party names. Fixed monarchy Poland joining the Moscow Accord after not being fully annexed by Russia. Nerfed the Combined Syndicates population growth in leader traits, advisor traits and national spirits. Fixed Japan not losing cores/claims on Korea after losing to China or Russia. Added Alfred von Vollard-Bockelberg as a Field Marshal for Germany. Fixed Egypt being uncorable by the Ottomans. Expanded the size of Japans starting army. Fixed several national spirit icons not displaying. Madras can now peace out with the Entente if it defeats the Dominion of India, similar to how the Bharatiya Commune and Princely Federation can. Fixed an edge case where giving Lombardy to Venice meant the Lombardy/Venice annexation decisions couldn't appear later. Tweaked the effects of some East Turkestan events unlocking focuses. The capture of Libreville will now ensure Gabon's capitulation. Fixed the event firing which describes the Syrian insurrection being crushed, when Syria still exists. Decreased the development level of Upper Austria, while increasing it for Carinthia and Styria proportionally. Merged Akanland state into the Ivory Coast. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, Pacific States and New England. Russia can no longer convert its Balkan enemies into allies, however historically authentic that might sound. Changed the effect given by the Zhili Republic president VK Wellington Koo. Improved the Deploy New Tank Prototypes national focus for Ukraine - now it provides free armour variant for NSB owners, as well as free armoured template. Mittelafrikan splinter states (shared focus trees). Giving Galicia to Poland now actually gives it to Poland, not to Austria. The French Republic now controls the Ivory Coast, which was previously held by Mittelafrika. Fixed German East Asia gaining cores on states given by Fate of X missions, instead of claims. Cariappa (PRF), V.K. Fixed missing technology icons for when certain DLC is not enabled. Fixed the Saudis attacking Oman multiple times. Nerfed Chiles starting units a little bit. Tried to improve the flow of the United Front code. Fixed AuthDem Shandong not sending volunteers to the League of Eight Provinces collapse war. Remove stability by using a negative number. Fixed some USA generals from having non-level-appropriate stats. Updated the mod for compatibility with 0.10.1 and Battle for the Bosporus. Fixed the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire event bypassing the news settings. Renamed Canadas Thunder Bay to Port Arthur. Fixed the Austrian focus about Kotor targeting Dalmatia instead. Rebalanced the effects of several Left Kuomintang national focuses and national spirits. Fixed Mesopotamias weather so that it no longer gets Russian winters. Fixed the Combined Syndicates elections firing all at once. Updated the version of Ey Iran for Persia. Fixed Anqing having the Beijing Cooperation national spirit, despite being aligned with Fengtian. Paraguay now has access to some Argentinian economic decisions for certain states. Left KMT can no longer cancel their congress events. Fixed the Left Kuomintang / Japan peace deal having the events time out. Von Schleicher now actually forms a Kamarilla in Germany, and replaces an existing party. Changed the main theme to Koit, or Dawn in Estonian, which you can find here: Austria: Added Florentine March and Danubia March, Entente: Added Imperial March and Eagle Squadron.

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