how old is john foley blue angels

Vintage Pair of Old Foley James Kent White Plate with Red Floral and Bird Pattern 10 Inch Plates. I think we're getting to the essence again, of what we do and why we do it. That person asked me if I would mind saying some words on stage. John Foley draws upon his experience as Lead Solo of the Blue Angels to inspire audiences and show them how to achieve substantially higher levels of performance. John Foley:No, I love it. In one way, it's kind of nice. March 25 to 26: Barksdale Air Force Base . John Foley is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, Sloan Fellow at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, leadership expert, speaker and Gratitude Guru. Like, they take you under their wing and they say And you're expressing gratitude, and because of that, they want to work with you more, right? And thanks to all of you for listening. I'm not doing it as a career. They don't know when their last game's going to be. I had a team briefing this morning. 0:00. John Foley:The human brain will do that naturally. His charismatic and enthusiastic presentations stimulate audiences emotionally and intellectually with a whole new perspective on their ability to excel. I've been doing this for about six months now, learn, grow, give. Our first conversation of this new year is with a former Navy jet pilot, an 18 year journey that began after a visit to an air show as a young boy, piqued when he was selected to join the Elite Blue Angels Squadron. By a trigger, I mean a positive trigger that told myself, okay, that's done. GLAD TO BE HERE T-Shirt Black. That's a start. Jeff:My cousin wouldn't want to fight you for that one. I remember being at that air show that day. You finally get in the airplane and that's totally different. Then you climb into the, we call it a water wagon, but you climb into the vehicle that's going to take you out to the jet. But it's unsustainable because a human being only has so much capacity to do that thing. Now, it's also, that's the power of being naive too, is that I had no idea what it was going to take. If they're aware, usually it's usually like, they're just not aware. Sir John Foley (British Army officer) (born 1939), former Chief of Defence Intelligence and Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey John D. Foley (1918-1999), American bomber gunner in World War II John H. Foley (1839-1874), American soldier and Medal of Honor recipient John Foley (major) (1813-1881), Irish-born soldier and merchant Religion [ edit] Captain Steve Foley, a native of Dolton, Illinois, enlisted in the Navy in 1983 and rose to the enlisted rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer. I could do that. I've been doing trauma for a long time. The other new members include an events coordinator, a C-130J Super Hercules pilot, an aviation maintenance officer and a flight surgeon . Reaching that level of excellence required commitment, discipline and trust. It starts with giving. Then you start dog fighting. And I'm going to say, wow, that was a really awesome conversation. You're not having debriefs where you say like, "Okay, let's talk about our feelings and sing kumbaya.". When people are deeply engaged in their work and feel valued, they are more productive and effective, leading to a positive impact on the bottom-line. Learn from people who have done it, and there's a combination of process and mindset. They believe you become part of this team. John Foley:Well, I was the second one. So, we come from the instructor ranks usually. I hated it, it sucked. It's at an angle. Whether it's meditation, whether it's learning to take your game to a whole new level. We can only do so much with ourselves. Or is it different? All that's inside your brain. Usually not. I'll just be very too transparent as I'm closing here. John Foley:No, it's great. Okay? The best climbers in the world, back when Erik and I climbed Everest, not necessarily could climb Everest. Both of you have been my heroes too. I'm interested in how you can combine those things in that split second. I know that I've never achieved perfection in terms of, like I'll say I'm speaking in front of a group or something, I'll get off the stage and I'll be like, oh my God, I screwed up eight times. And then the work goes in and you start to realize that yo won't know unless you go, you won't know unless you tried. I think I was looking at it as a bigger timeframe. I don't care how bad you want it. Then just this year, Georgia brought me in. I'm going to send you out tomorrow night and you better show me something. How exactly did guest John Foley become a Blue Angel and what was his motivation? Let's take that even to the next step for somebody who's perhaps not a climber or an aspiring pilot or an athlete, or in any way, but is someone who gets up, puts their pants on, brushes their teeth, and goes, and knuckles down at work for a 10 hour shift. Then you start landing jets on aircraft carriers. A practical model for living out his message that works in other organizations as well as within the Blue Angels. That's just something I don't want to do. How has it impacted your life? Like me, I'm going to be thinking of you guys' faces, I'm going to be thinking about this conversation. John Foley:At some point, you become a Blue Angel, and we take our pilots from the instructor ranks. Glad To Be Here is a mindset that enables higher performance. John Foley:No, no. Music. And then you're going to be the best of the best. It can mean so many different things depending on who you ask and what day of the week it is. That's not good. Let's make it real. I'm going to be proactive. I think that's what's unique about the Blue Angels and why it's such a great metaphor for a company and a high performance team is we do this every year with new people. Then I went out and I tried it. So, thank you very, very much for spending some of your time. You do, in a way, you have to, I don't know, maybe you have to suspend the gushy parts because you've done all that hard work. Maybe I don't, I don't know, but I pull my heart away and just focus clinically as to what's going on. Or, you know what? Even the, if you've ever seen a briefing of the Blue Angels, the boss's tone of his voice is exactly what we're going to experience together. Scared to me means I'm aware, I'm present. To me, those can be fear based, they can hold you back, as compared to just saying, I'm going to try this, I'm going to be smart about it, but I'm going to try it. Maybe when you're learning, it's afoot. So, you're trying to keep your airplane within a three inch circle on the other airplane. See, that's why this is what's Great. This fosters gratitude and new perspectives to recognize opportunities versus simply focusing on challenges. I go down there. Vintage James Kent LTD | Old Foley . You get to see us visualizing. You're you're in that focused state. Didrik Johnck:The production team behind this podcast includes producer, Didrik Johnck, that's me, sound design, editing, and mixing by Tyler Cottman, marketing and graphic support from Stone Ward, and web support by Jamlo. You don't start flying 36 inches, 18 inches from another jet. John Foley:What I realized with all science that's out there on gratitude and appreciation is just how powerful that mindset is for performance, how you can actually increase performance with this mindset. But you put in like 200 hours, not 10,000 hours. With what you just said, what I generate the most fulfillment and happiness in my life is not that I physically climb the mountains anymore or fly the jets, it's that I can share that in a way that benefits others. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Maybe it's a deliverable on work. This is built around tactical or strategic CenterPoints. See, that's more important to me because I want to know if they're aware. Erik Weihenmayer:And does that lead sometimes to reaching out to a friend or something like that, somebody who you know is hurting or struggling or just needs you? They just run by so quickly that I'm seeing a continuum. I think the hack now is that we're realizing you can get to that flow state through finding that practice and being centered. To me, that's a feeling statement. And can I share that knowledge now? It's the mental side and the emotional side, probably is, you'll have to tell me, but in flying and with the blues, I like to say you needed to connect the heart and the head because it wasn't enough to be just in your head. Block out your own mind. We actually can only focus on one thing at one time, but because it's like a movie, you have different frames, we're seeing things in frames. Jeff:You got nervous, you and I have known each other for decades, you got nervous a few months ago playing in front of me. Tax ID Number: 06-1693441. These are great athletes, right? I think what you're describing, because I felt that so many times too, is the result of the focus. I'm thinking about you hanging on to a lift, right? I got you. Copyright 2023 Collaborative Agency Group, John Foley | Performance and Leadership Keynote Speaker - Collaborative Agency Group, John Foley | Performance Beyond Blue Angels Keynote - Collaborative Agency Group, JOHN FOLEY| Teamwork Speaker - Collaborative Agency Group. And that's great. Don't you wish you would've had that back when you were doing all these crazy maneuvers. You got a chance to let the whole, we call it, lay it on the table, let the whole team know that A, you're number one, aware that you have made a mistake. It didn't mean I didn't question myself in between. Because I'd love to swap some stories with you. I constantly want to learn, and I don't want to beat myself up in the learning. But then it gets very specific. You don't want to take more than a minute. Because they probably know it anyhow. To survive in those circumstances he relied on a culture of high trust, leadership and teamwork. I fortunately went to Stanford business school and I learned some of the What does it need to grow and build a big business? TheGlad To Be Heremindset helps answer these critical questions. I think you just hit on it. John Foley:All of a sudden, telephone poles are going by quickly. So, let's do it. What is your preparation? I mean, I do fly for fun, but it's no big deal. Jeff:Yeah, but it's also more than just fun. Jeff:Well, I guess the question I would have is, it's kind of twofold. Guess what? Upon returning from the Persian Gulf, Foley transferred to Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 101 (VMFAT-101) based in El Toro, California, where he served as an F/A-18 Hornet flight instructor pilot and landing signal officer. The idea is you got to work way up to it. It's not a long diatribe, right? You have to move on in some way at some point. Okay. John Foley is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, a Sloan Fellow at the Stanford School of Business, and an expert in the how of High Performance teams. John Foley:That's basically what he was saying. This is the highest level of the Blue Angels. Did that answer your question? Be sure to subscribe so you dont miss a single episode of this free, educational and uplifting podcast. Keep going. And then I just kept trying to improve on. 10 Frame Work and 10 Dynamics of Debrief Wallet Cards. Like, I was thinking about the folks that work for Apple or something, and they invent the iPhone, and Steve Jobs is hard as hell on this team. - John Foley, Blue Angels. My manager, Skyler, was always like, "Dude, the audience would've never known. It's hard to even remember exactly what happened, but in kayaking over 10 or 12 years, now and then, I would feel time slow down, and I could actually focus on my heartbeat. Stop. Let's see what you got. Not that I'm telling you, you're not good enough. John Foley:Yeah. B, that it's out of parameters, so you get to decide as an organization what's in parameters and what's out. The momentous visit served as a way to ease tensions between the once Cold War rivals. You bring the best athletes you can, but it's not about an individual. He has been a venture capitalist and technology investor for nearly 40 years, co-founding Technology Crossover Ventures and serving as General Partner since June 1995. You don't want a whole bunch of safeties. Every morning, I wake up, I've trained my brain to wake up happy. John Foley:I'm just going to reinforce that in my body. And it's different. Add to Playlist. Jeff:You can say I'm grateful for coffee, and then you immediately go like start the coffee maker. My big change came from leaving the Navy. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands . That's the training part, as compared to trying to hide something. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. Well, absolutely. Honestly, JB. With his signature Glad to be Here mantra, Foley discusses the power behind gratitude as a way of thinking, working, and living. You're like that. I mean, you got this jet, it's coming in about 145 miles per hour. By the way, I don't know if you guys have built any yet, but we're starting to build a digital course, so I'm glad to be here in gratitude. His passion and. John Foley Inc. and The Glad To Be Here Foundation asked where $10,000 could help others in a direct and imminent way during the pandemic. I've never given a public speech in that regard before. Are you there in Denver right now, by the way? During 1992 season, the Blue Angels traveled to Europe for the first time since 1973 to perform 16 air shows in 8 different countries including Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, England, Spain, Italy, Finland and Sweden. That was always my dream as a little boy. So, you get to see us closing our eyes. The very first thing we did was we said, and I was off here, or I was out of parameters on the loop, break cross. They're not going to be the Blue Angel necessarily, right? In this brand new interview, Gucci candidly dives into his navy experience and opens the discussion with his upbringing as a German born army brat and the influence his father had on him to pursue a military career. They leave the event not only transformed, but also with a set of concrete tools to immediately begin a high performance climb. And time actually did slow down. That's just a one sentence. In the briefing room, you're going through their procedures, very scripted. The foundation of elite performance is the . John Foley:See, that's a big difference. However, if we were to look at success as improvement upon what ever it is you are, whether that be your life, your career, or your business, then there. You're just to land the jet, and then, it's a definitely step by step approach and lots of hours go into it. It's really about overcoming the mental side of the equation. All right. Then the debrief, what you're specifically asking about, which I think is really critical, is we go through stages, right? I want a learning loop. Jeff:What's the Gucci over under tonight? The Navy's really good about debriefs, and the LSO, landing signal officer, walked in that day and he goes, it was very clear, he goes, Gucci, Gucci's my call sign. John Foley:But you get a chance to voice that. So, you can decide if you're going to step up or not. It was during this same time period that Foley attended a Blue Angels air show and proclaimed to his father that one day he too would be a military aviator. It comes with practice and it comes with the awareness. Jeff:All right. We've acquired all these things, and now we want to give it to you, and to you, and to you to be a better version of yourself. It was really awesome. Jeff:How would you, I guess, connect with that person on the benefits of finding that pocket and that flow and then how it could affect them or impact them greatly with their whole environment that they operate in? But then, here's what I've noticed, JB, try this for me, try this tomorrow morning, then go back 24 hours and think about something that happened yesterday, or in this case, that happened today, because you're doing this tomorrow. We've become good friends. I climb out of the jet. 14K views, 488 likes, 72 loves, 29 comments, 149 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Blue Angels Association: John Foley, #5, USN (Ret.) Like, oh man, you got to get your act together. But is it similar to that? That's exciting to me. And behind many of those awe-inspiring stunts and scenes was John Foley, Blue Angels pilot, entrepreneur, real estate investor, public speaker, and all-around inspiring human being. I'm going to actually have a voice command and I'll actually move. That was a big leap. He's working with us now. And here is in the present moment, right? Blue Angels 2023 air show schedule. Because think about when you're teaching someone to climb. So, you have to do well in your landing grades. We get a choice of how we want to perceive a situation. Is that what I think the states that we got into, no one taught me how to visualize. The Blue Angels must be closely aligned in thought and action in order to accomplish their mission. The famed Blue Angels regularly take to the skies for maneuvers that bring their jets within mere feet of each other. John Foley:Just brought tears to my eyes. John Foley:Okay. There has to have been a time during that process that you got completely shit on, or you were like, oh, well Or somebody said, "Forget it, Foley. I'm so glad there's such a similarity here, and that's why I've been looking forward to talking with you is we've never flown a perfect air show. Audiences discover how to inspire success, create commitment, align teams toward a common goal and build unprecedented levels of trust. In the SEC. Then he looked at me very clearly and he said, "I'm going to give you one more chance. It was during these deployments that Foley received the Top Nugget Award for first-tour pilots in Carrier Air Wing Eleven, and was also recognized as one of the Top 10 of all air wing pilots. John Foley:Now, having said that, I still get out and do it. As long as I'm staying within those parameters, and then I'm in parameters, I'm moving around, but you just can't tell. As a Blue Angel, Foley consistently performed in an extreme, high-stakes environment, flying at speeds of more than 500 miles per hour in formations as close as 18 inches apart. Erik Weihenmayer:Or you get internal with yourself and you start making mistakes or something, like how pitchers in pro baseball get in a slump or something. That's where you go, okay, what is it going to take to get to where I want to go? If you've ever been at an air show, it's visceral, right? I'm not a pilot anymore. I mean, that would be the obvious sort of reach on that. Here's what's interesting. I've heard about you, I've seen some of your stuff, and you surprise me the entire time because of so many different facets of you and who you are. Then what I do in the morning, Erik, is I do what I call my glad to be here wake up. I think that's, what's going to happen with Georgia tonight, and I think you and I are going to be prognosticators, extraordinaire here in few weeks when this thing airs, because Georgia's going to suck them, get them dogs going. Right? Erik Weihenmayer:Hey, everybody. You have to be amazing. He was saying two and a half years of pilot training, all the stuff I've been through, if you can't land a jet on an aircraft carrier at night, you're no good to the Navy. At first, you're like, I wouldn't say you black out, but everything goes by so fast. That's one of the rare professions that, that's true. They shut me down. What it really meant at that moment was I'm really appreciative to be part of a team like this. I have to come up on the radio, and I got to say six is clear. John Foley:And you learn from them. Then here's the last thing, and I'll do this for any leader is go, or anybody really, go forward in your day, and I use my calendar, but think about others, not just yourself, and think about, how can I show up in a way that helps somebody else. John Foley:But yeah, so that's for sure. The Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron today announced their schedule for the 2005 show season. Jeff:The difference though is 10,000 hours. All Rights Reserved BNP Media. Whichever podcast platform you enjoy, were already there. Jeff:Wait, are you rolling & talking tonight? It didn't mean I didn't get sidetracked into, hey, I want to play professional football or something like that. Jeff:I know. My hope is that those four words will have a deeper and richer meaning to everyone who reads this article. What we're talking about, I don't think you can learn from a book. John Foley:And it was scary. We believe that transcendent potential for performance lives withineveryindividual and organization. They probably visualize dreams way better than we did, at least I remember as a little kid doing that. When you get selected for the Blue Angels, you have either a two year tour or a three year tour, and then you know that you will be reassigned to another Navy squadron, and it just won't be the Blue Angels. Through their interdependence as a team, members are also challenged and stimulated to achieve higher levels of individual performance. As if it happened yesterday, Foley fondly reflects on a flight he gave to his Russian counterpart that rendered his new comrade unconscious during a demonstration of high performance capabilities of the F/A-18 Hornet. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. Right? I really do. We know that you've got a lot of choices about how you can spend your time, and we appreciate you spending it with us. I'll go off there to get very clear on how long I can hold my focus because I need a break. Maybe we as humans sort of divide those. So, yes, I think that's the glad to be here. It's just so hard and so intense. I thought on about that for a while, and I went, you know what? Blue Angels' John "Gucci" Foley. Glad To Be Hereis a mindset that enables higher performance. John Foley was a solo pilot for the Blue Angels aerobatic formation, a Sloan Fellow at the Stanford School of Business, a Gratitude Guru, and an expert on "how to" in high performing teams. John Foley:It makes a big difference. There are few examples where this is more dramatically demonstrated than with the Blue Angels. It's moving away from you. It's something that defines who you are and your impact in the world. John Foley:I know how to do that. Climbing, flying jets, that's not hard. Then you start all over again because you've just raised the game. I started to emotionally well up a little bit. But my whole point is that I fell into what I do now, which is I went to a seminar on personal growth, and I'm always trying to improve myself. I mean, just take the complexity of what some people would think would be hard, which is landing an airplane, which I don't think so. Well, I was going to ask, speaking, I mean, you and I are both out there, and Jeff too, at the highest levels. I think, when I joined the team, and at the end of your comments, everybody said, "Glad to be here." I mean, you got the energy of the crowd, the noise of the jets going overhead. Fearless Success: Beyond High Performance. John Foley:I like to put a nuance in there, Erik, and that's about being scared. Some days you're just glad to be alive, but rarely, it meant that. Sometimes I'm a little bit ahead, sometimes a little bit behind, but I'm talking inches instead of feet. Those are the skills that we can learn. This exhilarating film showcased the almost unbelievably intense reality of being an elite pilot in the military. Or maybe he didn't realize it. No Barriers is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Guidestar Platinum Rating Before we flew, we briefed, and after we flew, we debriefed, and that's a whole different emotional and intellectual episode than the actual physical. Nobody would know that you screwed up.". Let's say something challenges you, and it's a challenge. Anyway, got talked into doing recitals, and it is so funny because I get so freaking nervous in front of a group of 50 parents, and I'm surrounded by like sixth graders. It's important to know, it's easy to kill yourself. I go Mo, what did you see? As a thought leader on high performance, John created the "Glad To Be Here" Mindset Methodology and the Diamond Performance Framework. Instead of talking about the psychological stuff behind it, I said, here's what I was thinking, here's how we used it, and here's how we can turn it into success for you. I think about you guys, when you decided, I want to climb, something clicked in my heart. All of a sudden, the light bulb went off. With a desire to fly with an F/A-18 Hornet squadron, Foley was selected for jet training at NAS Chase Field in Beeville, Texas. I get better at focusing my mind, knowing that I'm not perfect. Where is it? High Performance Climb It's like, oh, that would be cool, but geez, that's a pipe dream. Guess what? The departure of Foley, who led the company since its. Jeff:And I guess, just like so many of us, you've evolved into the new Gucci, the different Gucci that I really think the world benefits from having you. To date, TCV has raised more than $15 billion in capital and emerged as a leading provider of growth capital to technology companies. His message and personal stories, delivered with his trademark enthusiasm and charisma, emphasizes principles of trust, alignment, clarity and commitment, positioning individuals and teams to achieve and sustain higher levels of excellence than they ever dreamed possible. I think, at the end of the day, it's all about other people. No, here's the challenge I have. I think you've had to have lived something at the nuance level to really be able to teach it at the highest levels. this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and Is that part of the process of being focused? I want to know first off, are they even aware? 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To be present with you guys right now. Every organization depends upon the performance of their people and their teams. I think that's a rare combination. Business people, we don't necessarily know. John Foley:Now, if I get outside of those parameters, let's say I move three feet and I don't clear the formation, but when you move that far off, you have to get out of the way because you're not stable. John Foley:But what hits me is, oh, okay, well, do I have the right personnel behind it? John Foley:Well, now here's the challenge I have. Some people, I think, climb mountains, let's say this is something I know, like to almost escape, but for me, I think, okay, how do you come down from the mountain and move forward in your life and take certain things with you that help you with your happiness, with your growth, with your evolution as a human being?

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