miramonte high school cheerleader killed

Director Jeff Hare Writer Lauren Balson Carter Stars Ella Cannon Austin Freeman Summer Madison Looking at the pictures, it is shocking to see that Kirsten Costas is the face of an innocent little girl. As for the girls who got blamed, so sorry if your lives were miserable at the time, but remember Bernadette was scared herself and did t know what to do, she didnt aim for all that to come down. Caskets cannot be covered with a flag of the deceased's nationality while in the church. Read the posts from August 2019. I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. Bernadette also idolized Kirsten and her clique, while being severely unhappy with the state of her family and home. IN REALITY, Kristen was, at worst, sometimes catty to Bernadette. I agree with Karen, you cant prove Kirsten bullied Bernadette. Whether the murder was premeditated or not, no one can really determine that, still a young girl died at the hands of Bernadette Protti, and Bernadette will have to live with that the rest of her life. I would suggest that you should be able to distinguish between a fictional depiction and reality, but judging from your comments it is clearly beyond your capacity to do so. Kirsten wasnt a Bully. She had a slumber party on her 15 th BD we all snuck into a pool and swam, (a fun night) and to bad she didnt get to celebrate her 16th Birthday, Art and Berit planned on taking us all to a Hotel and spend the night. How dare you? There was no jury in the trial. Dont matter if the girl bullied her. Many people know about Bernadette's infamous story, but what about her personality? She made it sound like this was a drug-related murder, and it wasnt, says Berit Costas. She just didnt think at the time and it cost a lot of people lots of problems. Kirsten didnt hate anyone, (as for Dee) she didnt like the way she acted thats all. Kirsten she liked everyone, she wasnt any bully by any means, she was so cute and funny. The school was a freak show. I hope she prays from the bottom of her heart, because the pain she caused the Costas well, she will have to pray forever!!! Karen I believe on that fateful night In The car Bernadette was pushing a friendship was was adamant and persistent about it. She runs a Facebook and Twitter account under the same name. Tell me someone who is nice to every single person in the world and likes every single person in the world, if they do let me meet them. If Bernadette was so Sweet, why did she watch 2 girls take the blame? Kirsten ran from Bernadettes car and wanted to be left alone, yet Bernadette stalked Kirsten to her house. I isolate now due to the fact women have betrayed me so badly. Now, instead of celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday, the young fire victim's family is in mourning. Get yourself checked out! Dont matter if Kirsten was a bully or the meanest girl ever, you haters on her leave her alone and let her Rest In Peace. Kirsten is forever missed. One person said Missy was mean and a bully and she bullied them bad well that person and you are the same, Justifying Murder cause someone was mean, or Stuck up. Ive heard she was Bubbly and funny. Over, if Kirsten bullied B why didnt B use it to Strenghten her Case. Death of a Cheerleader is one of the most famous movies of real-life murder cases involving cheerleaders. I am almost certain she and Bernadette had words its Obvious, but Kirsten got in the Car with her, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, Bernadette took it way to Personal till it became Personal and (fatal). Bernadette Protti also went to Miramonte High School, along with Kirsten. Missy was Described as a Bully and Very Mean also. I remember the day every girl attended school when the killer had been caught but we had no name; if they had to fly back, leave the hospital, watever, no girl wanted to be accused for even 24 hours even if they would be exonerated the next day or week. Blaming Kirstens parents for her death is the epitome of classlessness and disrespect. Im sure Kirsten had her moments and faults and good qualities as well. The Petaluma Argus-Courier Tuesday, June 26, 1984, San Francisco Examiner Thursday, June 28, 1984, San Francisco Examiner Friday, June 29, 1984. Bernadette had jealousy issues. Wish someone would come back on here and tell us more about it. Learn how your comment data is processed. The movie did not do justice to Kirstens memory as it seemed to blame the victim rather than the killer. She didnt bully, but she told people how she felt. and the one who was ran out of School for getting drunk at a Party and messing with ajocks? READ MORE: The real death of a cheerleader story (1985). Some are quick, rich, own the finest and the most expensive of anything. Rest In Peace Kirsten. They made it theyre choice to, like doing stupid stuff all the time. Some are quick, rich, own the finest and the most expensive of anything. Remember teen girls will be teen girls, and they grow out of caddiness when they get older, but Kirsten never got that chance so so horrible. They had to leave school. The whole movie seems based on stuff Bernadette said and from her point of view which is a bit unfair. Newspaper headlines from the real-life Death of a Cheerleader story: The Kirsten Costas murder (1984). Its sad, thats the biggest problem in this world? Probably chubby ugly girls who were bullied as kids. She and her friends were mostly ( stuck up) and self absorbed, She wasnt typically a bully just more snooty, at least thats how she appeared to me. Bernadette was Shady then, shady now. This Mats person youre either Bernadette, or sister, or a very good friend. Bernadette had no reason to murder, shes just a cold blooded killer. You obviously are very contradicting since from gathering what the Hollywood movie has told you if Kirsten was truly a witch, then, Bernadette was a bigger idiot since she wanted to befriend such a person to begin with. She calls to classmates to ask who made pompom girl and cheerleader. Who killed Stacey in Death Of A Cheerleader? Why cant people leave this case alone. So yes Kirstens friends still get together at times, but they dont discuss Bernadette or the death of Kirsten, as a matter of fact,( they dont want it brought up at all). I believe they wouldnt allow you to read if you were in a group with them, thats there Nature towards people who they feel superior to. homely? Bernadette admitted to many friends she craved the wealthy life, and hated that her own parents (whom I feel sorry for) were so old. Also, HELL NO Bernadette was not cuter, or prettier then Kirsten. Completely agree with you Midwest Jimmy. Orinda was not Beverly Hills. Although Kirsten was surprised to find out that it wasn't one of her friends as expected, she obliged and got into the car. Was Bernadette fragile when she took Catechism classes with one of the accused girls and would have no doubt seen the emotional toll being falsely accused of murder would have taken on the girl, yet she acted like nothing was amiss. Bernadette was sentenced to nine years (maximum) for second-degree murder on April 1, 1985. I just think Bernadette had underlying issues and pressure on her to get to the top, but that was no right for murder. The rest of you can lurk around and limp your hunchback selves to therapy. So whoever said Kirsten was mean, and was a B I cant picture that, I didnt know her very well either, we all have a mean side, I never seen it in her. her a few times she was kind of uppity also like Kirsten. Not a plaine jane.get real. Yes, Death of a Cheerleader is based on a true story. Bernadette fit in fine and lived in a lovely area. (Kirsten sure didnt), Saying bullies need to get what they deserve. Same for Bernadette, but she had to make this choice that will change her life. Karen, keep repeating the same Comment over and Was Bernadette fragile when she watched as two innocent girls were accused of Kirstens murder by the Orinda community? She had plenty of friends like in the film who loved her, but she cared only about superficial things, and people. No more Bernadette has a point. A number of people have called saying they think they have seen the suspect. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. They hung out together, Bernadette couldnt face up Kirsten was more Popular than she was, and better at everything. Bernadette grabbed the knife from the vehicle and met Kirsten on her neighbour's lawn, and a scuffle ensued. ( Some did) I did cause it was getting ridiculous. for what i read the cheerleader was mean to bernadette protti,the cheerleader always thought she was prettier than bernadette and didnt want to be her friend.kirsten the cheerleader always hurt her feelings.have you seen the movie with tori spelling?death of the cheerleader. Just saw the new Lifetime movie Death of a Cheerleader. We all moved on, every time we rehash this, it just brings up the past to that very day. How do you know she was mean? There were more than just Joanna that were singled out at Miramonte, I read other stuff there were quite a few that felt like they werent socially accepted. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. She was friendly, but kind of Arrogant as well. Her friends were all Pretty. We are all different. Everyone says this school is so boring, so they start doing things for entertainment. But I heard both sides on Kirsten, some say she was a hugging person who liked everyone, like in the Interview of a friend of hers mom said she was a loveable Puppy. She isnt outgoing like she use to be, I can see why, she has to watch over her head. Bernadette then said she wanted to go home and think, and Hilley agreed. There were girls she didnt like, either she liked you or she didnt, no in between. We didnt want to associate with them, cause we didnt want to get in trouble We got good grades and did what we were suppose to, our way of (having fun) and Choices were different than theirs. You clearly are basing your opinions on a movie a fictional depiction. Rupaul Protti set up a trap to lure Costas into spending more time with her. The movie starred Tori Spelling and Kellie Martin and was released in 1994. She had a Childhood friend who was Popular, wonder she didnt go after her, and kill her, like Karen Severson. I feel for the Costas family. Kirsten was nice, yeah, she and a few she didnt like, but they were the kids no one liked. Its so competitive.. Whoever remotely tries to justify that must not have children. I have been watching The Cheerleader Murder on my iPhone for a few years now, and one of the lines was, Bernadette was part of the in crowd, but she didnt see it! I hear her husband knew all along about her. But those others today are still a lot of fun. She idolized Kirsten and her clique, wanting to be more like Kirsten. Later, she would throw her T-shirt and sweatpants in the garbage dump of the Sleepy Hollow Swim Club. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. 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No, there is good and bad in every person, just the people are guilty for not seeing the reasons that cause that kind of things. To much pressure is put on us, but we dont murder because of it. Kirsten loved to joke and tell funny jokes to. I saw the film Death of a Cheerleader this January, 2021. By what name was Death of A Cheerleader (1994) officially released in India in English? Upon further questioning, Bernadette maintained her calm. School is what you make of it, bullying goes on all the time no reason to Murder over that, Kirsten would of grown out of it by now even if she was a bully. She mostly liked everybody. A couple of them did, Bern just looked the other way. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. Berns home on La Espiral was Larger and more Expensive. From the author who also runs this site: The yearbooks ARE in my private collection, as is the huge picture of us in Washington DC. People make their own reputation and choices in life whether they are bad or good. She said Bernadette was kind of Snooty also. If anyone was pushed to the brink, it was Kirsten, but instead of reacting violently, she fled from Bernadettes car. Kirsten Costas, a 15-year-old teen living in the small suburban California town of Orinda, was stabbed to death by her classmate Bernadette Protti, then also 15, on June 23, 1984. Please make an appointment with your councilor at school and discuss this with him or her Lots of Students had to seek Counseling that year over all this. Although the attack was witnessed by Alex Arnold, he could not see the killers face, and chasing the killers Pinto did not yield results. I dont understand why Kirsten Costas was portrayed as a pretty girl or how she even was some one to be jealous of. I do remember all the stories before and after the killing. However, all of this is unconfirmed. The only incident Bernadette recounted was a remark Kirsten made about her skis. According to Los Angeles Times, the 16-year-old created a false invitation to trick Costas into attending a Bob-O-Links dinner, a volunteer group at the Miramonte High School. It also tends to victimize blonds! I guess that makes their daughter better than anybody elses. Her BFF said the same exact thing abour Kirsten After her sentencing, Bernadette was sent to California Youth Authority in Ventura, where she completed high school and received her GED. There are more murders in american continent than in Europe and its not in the time of war. The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! My god you women are something else. I heard Bernadette was Snobbish also as well. Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. I read a lot of these Articles,and her BFF said the exact same thing on one interview. Kristen was a bitch (sorry, fact), who would roll her eyes at randoms and point and laugh at people. I highly doubt I would like you either. Still wasnt right. Kirsten Costas, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte High School in this scenic, affluent suburb, was killed at about 10pm Saturday, Contra Costa County Sheriffs Department investigators said. Your email address will not be published. People who grew up in Orinda and say its snobs were mostly people who werent socially accepted growing up, and they made choices that others didnt make and cussed and talked dirty and skipped school and always in trouble, and hung out with outcasts, and they became outcasts by association. Finally, as an aside, I think some people need to learn the difference between fiction and reality. What have internet sleuths found out? Youre no better than Bernadette haters as well. We dont see the others, dont mix with their lives, not care for them, stay away or just say Its better that something happens to others, not me, but we dont get the message to be just more polite. No one is bothering her anymore. You took the words right out of my mouth! At the start of the proceeding, Bernadette sat facing forward, her mouth slack, her eyes unfocused. Not to mention all over the world. Bernadette isnt coming anyway, she is not well anymore. You know who you are to. Rene was a lovely girl too who suffered not having opened the door for Kirsten because she was young and scared and didnt know what was going on, or who was at the door. She called Kirsten names. So think before you get that angry cause there is no turning back from it. Sheriffs investigators have only leads and a description of the woman suspected of stabbing Kirsten Marina Costas to death Saturday night, but not much else. The case was solved in December 1984, and a classmate named Bernadette Protti was arrested. Notable Alumni. You cant make up for six months of hell.. I think she confessed to Kirsten how she loved her and wanted to be her and it freaked Kirsten out. Unfortunately, she faced numerous obstacles at becoming as cool as her idol. Theres no excuse for murder. Why deliberately refrain from giving examples if she could have been accused of first degree murder? Its possible they forgave her and moved on. It couldve been anyone, but kristen was the last one to get into the bobbies so she stood out. Not saying its you, but a lot of Similarities. I wasnt in the Popular, but those girls still talked to me and was friendly with me. And if Kirsten was so bad and such a bully why did Bernadette want to be friends with her so badly? She said she used a knife she found in the Pinto to stab Kirsten to death. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/kirstenmarina.costas.9 Kirsten and Bernadette were both well off. Kirsten wouldnt give you the time of day especially if you werent in her (group). She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. Smoking and cussing that is mostly the ones that were disliked. Were you bullied and had to defend yourself and going by that with Bernadette? . Also there Was another girl who went out with the football team and accused them all of raping her, not the entire team, but several players and I hear she was ran out as well and dogged by the Students. What are you going to tell the press? was the first question she asked during the confession, followed by another: Do I go to juvenile hall or do I go back to Miramonte? Her fears of Miramonte were greater. Bern wasnt one of them, in fact, (as I said) she was well liked and in with a lot of the i crowd. they all were, taking a life is unacceptable and inexcusable. The day after a deadly house fire killed a 16-year-old girl at her home in Orinda, friends and family on Monday were remembering her as a vivacious young woman who could light up a room. Doesnt make her a killer, thats being a teenager but dont make it sound like she just said shut up thats unrealistic. Anyone still get on these sites? I agree with Miss Kiwi, I believe Bernadette was dangerously obsessed with Kirsten. Wow all this bantering back and forth how sad. 30 years ago, 15-year-old Costas was lured by a fake invitation for the Bob-O-Links service group dinner. Karen, everyone reading your comments sees you as the odious one. Always had also. Kids are incredibly nasty and cruel in high school because their parents raise them that way in their own attempt to play the snobs of society. Rupaul and Sarah, Bernadette has friends and fit in. You claim you know Kirsten, are you the one who told about the Bullied Girls who were ran out and Demonized. I wouldnt doubt it cause thats how much she is hated in Orinda. Those girls had a clique. I was wondering why she was so pro-Bernadette. No , then its gona be she was mental ill and forgotten forever yes?

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