shahrzad belly dancer biography

The show took more than a year to bring together and get to the stage. 1,519 posts. Shahrazad spent four months in 1976 traveling through Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India for the first time. Persian and Uzbek:: Laurel Victoria Grey, Carolyn Krueger, Robin Friend, Shahrzad Khorsandi, Los Angleles, CA, Lebanese Dabka:: Hassan Harfouche, Los Angeles, CA, Turkish Folk:: Ahmet Luleci (Turkish folk), CA. She founded and produced the Santa Barbara Middle East festival, MOON OVER MOROCCO in 1998 and produced it for ten years before the recession forced her to stop. In 2015 Shemoved to Egypt to live and work full time and has since made a career as a performer appearing in top night clubs as well as film and media. Later that year she returned to dance in a large wedding. Her first exposure learning basic temple dance movements, such as head sliding with eyeball movements came from her uncles. Shahrazad has learned the Arabic, Persian and Turkish language. December 2016 It is part of an Iranian sub-culture that has its origins in the 9th and 10th centuries, a period when Turkic and Mongol tribes seeking pasturage and pillage formed an incursion in eastern Iran. Cultural mixed forms of dance, play and drama have served rituals like celebration, mourning and worship. January 2021 1,532 following. document.dispatchEvent(initEvt); Once to study the Pharaonic sites in Luxor. Shahrazads dance company had the great honor of performing this dance for Palestinian leader Arafat in an Unesco benefit, where 2 million Deutsch Marks were collected to help needy children. October 2022 Follow. Dancer. Today. ~ UCSB Student. Forest Hills, N.Y, "Alexandra King "Wows" the audience!" Egyptian folk and BellyDance:: Raqia Hassan, Mahmoud Reda, Sahra Saeeda, Los Angeles, CA, Armenian:: Tom Bozigian (Armenian), Santa Barbara, CA, Saudi:: Hallah Mustafah and Kay Campbell (Harvard), Los Angeles, CA. ~ G.B. Her career began in 1975, and since . 1. Forms of belly dancing have been performed all around the world for over 6,000 years! Belly Dance Music. Shahrazads second trip to the south of Morocco lasted 6 weeks. Genres of dance in Iran vary depending on the area, culture, and language of the local people, and can range from sophisticated reconstructions of refined court dances to energetic folk dances. This was truly a revelation for her to see these masters at work. ~ Belly Dance Magazine, "When you danced my mouth dropped and I wasn't able to breatheyour performance was incredible"! Her first classes were from a dancer called Samyra. The little girl wakes up and dances around the globe with her own torch until she receives the earth. _W.customerLocale = "pt_BR"; Shahrzad Studios 58.5K subscribers 64 videos Welcome to Shahrzad Studios! IAMED ~ Producers of the Best Belly Dance Videos in the World! Her inspiration came growing up in a family with three generations of performing artists, including silent screen star, Molly King, Uncle Charlie King, (star of Melody of Broadway), her beloved mother, Broadway actress Peggy French, and her maternal grandparents, Edward and Virginia French, both composers and concert pianists. 305 following. Our technique classes feature detailed anatomical break-downs of movements so that students can gain a deeper understanding of the dance and their bodies. var ASSETS_BASE = '//'; The latest show production is The World of Tara. It is still a work in process. Part of this time was during Ramadan, the traditional fasting month. People's Choice Pro -Yaa Halla Y'all 2015, Pro Solo -Houston Oriental Superstar 2015, Serena - Rising Star Essence of Belly Dance, Mila - Rising Star Essence of Belly Dance. ~ S. T., Sponsor, N. C. "She is amazing". Full Name } We have pre-recorded classes from beginner to professional leve. The idea for the show came to Shahrazad easily, since her husband and the father of her young son is from West Africa. Dreams of Peace was the result. July 2018 The spiritual development of women. November 2020 A seven-year-old Shahrazad watching The Tiger of Ishnapoor on her TV set is captivated and decides then and there that this will be her life. Shahrzad Belly Dance drum solo; Shahrzad, Balliceaux RVA, Bellydance Brunch Cabaret; Mere raske qamar shahrzad raqs; Shahrzad Raqs Improvisation Carole Samaha Hakhounak In New York City ; Belly dance drum solo Shahrzad & Marshall Bodiker; Hailey Orona Compilation 2017 - Best . Alexandra King, Founder, Director. She is and always will be concerned with the education of women through art and healing through the joy and ecstasy in dance. Shahrazad dancer, instructor, student, world traveler, choreographer, producer. Twenty-four oriental dancers are devoted to this show. _W = _W || {}; Gypsies 5. In this age of social media, especially in the business of entertainment, it is so easy to get in the habit of spending all of your time comparing yourself to others and judging people in a superficial way. Ballet and Point :: Beth Bartlett, Santa Barbara, CA. var STYLE_PREFIX = 'wsite'; . This will help you learn how to use abdominal isolations seamlessly within the flow of your dance. })(); Since then, she has immersed herself in a variety of dance disciplines-including Modern Egyptian belly dance and many regional and folkloric dance styles from North Africa and the Middle East. Follow. If it does not exist on the wiki yet, feel free to add your own information within the rules and guidelines. Since The Story of the Lotus was to some people too difficult to understand, Shahrazad decided to produce a show with a simpler format. I am a professional dance teacher and performer from America currently residing in Cairo, Egypt. [1] Raghs (also spelled as Raqs) is the Arabic word for dance, and is almost exclusively the word used for dance in Persian, as the Persian word for dance, paykubi, is no longer in common usage. You won't be disappointed! The concept came to her in 1993 and was based on three levels: 1. Shahrazad Temple Dancer by Suzy Evans. The main difference in this production is that the theme is Far Eastern rather then Middle Eastern. I'm Shahrzad! _W.storeCurrency = "USD"; Our targeted conditioning workouts and warm ups are used to improve each aspect of technique and help prevent injury. Other than having some of the most mesmerizing moves, she was the first woman to perform in high heels. [4] According to the principles of the cultural revolution in Iran, dancing was considered to be perverse, a great sin, immoral and corrupting. . BELLYDANCE.ORG This dance was to promote vigor in life. First Cast of SERAGLIO, The Middle EasternBallet: 1989, Music Academy of theWest, Winner, Best Instructor, 2005 Nafisa Gem Award, New Age. The last time she was there she performed and taught in the Mena House at the International Festival for Middle Eastern Dance, organized in 1993 by Dietlinde Bedauia Karkutli. 3. #wsite-com-product-images .wsite-imageaspectratio-image-height, .wsite-com-category-product-image-height.wsite-imageaspectratio-image-height, .wsite-product .wsite-imageaspectratio-image-height, .wsite-com-category-product-featured-image-height.wsite-imageaspectratio-image-height { margin-bottom: 66% !important } .wsite-com-category-product-group .wsite-com-column { width: 33.33% !important } .wsite-com-category-product-featured-group .wsite-com-column { width: 25.00% !important } .wsite-com-category-subcategory-group .wsite-com-column { width: 33.33% !important } _W.isCheckoutReskin = false; I am a professional dance teacher and performer from America currently residing in Cairo, Egypt. Shakira Belly Dance. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Persian Court 6.Arabic Court 7. 3.9 136. Reading a book by Hazirat Inayat Khan on Sufism in 1972 peaked her interest in this subject. Advanced studies and techniques from Egyptian choreographers enhanced her performances. _W.Commerce = _W.Commerce || {}; Pharaonic mythology 2. First place in the 1988 at the Belly Dancer of the Year pageant, Walnut Creek, CA. She began dance classes at the age of ten which stoked the fire to become a dancer. Iran has four categories of dance: chain or line dances, solo improvisational dance, war or combat dances and ritual or spiritual dances. Nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award, 2005 by the Santa Barbara Dance Alliance, Ward French, Composer and concert pianist. The temple dancer glides across the floor of the cave as if she were floating on air. [4] As a result, many of the talented Persian dancers moved to the West and spread out mainly in Europe and the United States and a new generation of Iranian dancers and ballet artists have grown up in the Diaspora. In 1996 she met a Turkish dervish teacher, from whom she learned further techniques and a Moroccan Gnawa, Abdelmajid Domnati, with whom she studied and worked with for a year. And the actors have been masters of music, dance, physical acts and manners of expression. In 1985 she produced the popular performance video "A Very Special Evening at the Plaka, featuring herself and both of her teachers, Diana Ferrari and Jenaeni Rathor, (Ansuya's mother). But make sure you are practicing wit. h awareness. April 2018 } else if(document.documentElement.initCustomerAccountsModels === 0){ A sheik in Konya, Turkey passed his knowledge of dervish whirling techniques to Myra Bai in Amsterdam, who in turn passed this knowledge to Shahrazad in 1980. a great interview with the amazing one and only Shahrzad. The Art of Belly Dance is a registered trademark of The International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance and Suzy Evans. var initEvt = document.createEvent('Event'); Many Muslim friends from several countries patiently helped her, for which she was very thankful. The spiritual development of mankind as reflected by the history of oriental dance. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This is a list of some of the ancient and contemporary Iranian dances, from various ethnic groups within Iran. She has traveled extensively throughout North Africa and the Middle East to observe and study the dances of this region, later teaching and performing throughout the world. "She is so settled and steeped in her physical and intellectual understanding of the art of belly dance that there is a relaxed natural way about her teaching. Morocco holds a special place in Shahrazads heart. Practice practice practice! Shahrzad Studios her. The production included nine musicians and 11 dancers. June 2018 They shine their lights on the globe and then shine their light-beams on the audience, then pray for peace and freedom and then disappear. [2], The people of the Iranian plateau have known dance in the forms of music, play, drama or religious rituals and have used instruments like mask, costumes of animals or plants, and musical instruments for rhythm, at least since the 6th millennium BC. Tribal Belly Dance . Included in the program is Shahrzad's 5-minute Abs Workout - a . Belly Dance Wiki is a resource for all things related to the art of belly dancing. . ShahrzadShahrzad Beautiful BellyDance. Welcome to Shahrzad Studios! [4] With the ignition of revolutionary uprising in Iran, catalysed by the death of Mahsa Amini, dance has become a medium for protest and yearning for freedom. This project required much more than the normal preparations for a standard oriental dance show to make it work. 1) Samia Gamal. ShahrzadShahrzad Belly Dance Drum solo Germany 2016. Shahrazad continued her travels in 1982 when she went to Egypt, Cairo and Alexandria for the first time and stayed for four weeks. com_userID = "20315121"; From dance styles, dance moves, belly dancers, and the history behind it all, we hope you find what you are looking for. Her love of the dance is an obvious extension of her soul." The Indian Chakra system. Apart from the culture and the rich Berber folklore, her interest grew in a whirling. Alexandra King is recognized as one of the foremost Middle Eastern Dance artists in the United States. Magnolia's performances engage and delight audiences with a mix of classical and modern techniques that include floorwork, double veils, drum solos, and much more! Shahrazad started producing dance shows in 1992. Twelve of the planned twenty-one pictures premiered to an audience in 1998. The first known use of the term "belly dance" in English is in reference to the Middle Eastern dancers who performed at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1893. Tahiya Karioka is one of the dancers of the Golden Age of Egypt and was born between 1915 and 1923 in Ismaileya, Egypt. [4] The Iranian national ballet company was dissolved and its members emigrated to different countries. We offer a variety of ways to study both online and in person to suit every student's needs. Belly Dance youtube channels list is ranked by popularity based on total channels subscribers, video views, video uploads, quality & consistency of videos uploaded . 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. I have a huge passion for Middle Eastern and North . Shahrzad Solo Tabla 2016. I. [4] This cult later became highly adhered in the Roman Empire. Her Father taught her philosophy, psychology and religion. Shahrazad - dancer, instructor, student, world traveler, choreographer, producer. .wmobile-button { This was also the first time she saw the whirling dervishes. Suddenly the dancer is transported to the palm of goddess where she finishes her dance. 25 followers 25 videos Featured 06:38 Shahrzad Belly Dance Shahrzad and Marshall Belly Dance Drum Solo Most viewed 03:30 Shahrzad Belly Dance Shahrzad Drum Solo Belly Dance 04:58 Shahrzad Belly Dance She has also performed in Morocco, once in a large double wedding in Casablanca and at a prestigious business party in Marrakech. 2. .wmobile-bar, Shahrzad is a professional belly dance teacher and performer, this is her official youtube channel for her videos of shows, classes, and more! Enroll in Course for $15. Now as a fully certified Pilates instructor with extensive training in anatomy and movement she is able to bring a new level of education to her students by breaking down technique in detailed terms right down to what each muscle of the body is doing. Shahrzad dancing to Lissa Faker. ". 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com_currentSite = "101334644831001980"; Nationality [5] Religious prohibition to dancing waxed and waned over the years, but after the Iranian Revolution in 1979 dancing was no longer allowed due to its frequent mixing of the sexes. Shahrzad Starring Shahrzad, Marshall Bodiker Genres Arts, Entertainment, and Culture Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages English Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started. As part of her film career, she appeared in . Her first show production was an African-Oriental show. April 2019 20 dancers come out of all corners, with chandeliers on their heads and holding a white dove of peace. In 2001, she was appointed lecturer in the first accredited ethnic dance class at UCSB in the Department of Dramatic Arts and Dance. Enjoyquality instruction from a faculty of talented Cairo-based instructorscovering Middle Eastern dance, music, language, and culture. Bakersfield, CA, "There are no words to describe your dancing".~ L.S. 1.6 5. Visit our studio in Cairo for in-depth training or join one of our exclusive tours. In 1984 she founded Santa Barbaras prestigious Middle Eastern dance company, SEHER, which, since 1995, has been the official dance ensemble of the UCSB Middle East Ensemble, the largest Middle East Ensemble in the US and the only one, which includes dance. Official account for Shahrzad Studios Egyptian dance, music, and language training The main focus of this show is the Himalayan tantric Buddhist deity Tara, a beautiful goddess which comes out of a lotus flower to help all suffering beings overcome fear and reach enlightenment. Official page of Shahrzad, international dance instructor and performer Shahrzad Great isolation and control comes from a high level of body awareness. Belly Dance Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. 3276 1. August 2020 Biography Shahrzad has been enchanting the stage since she discovered her passion for Arabic dance and music at the age of 11. background-color: #ae40a5 !important; Shahrazad went to the Middle East on numerous occasions to dance at weddings. Shahrazad spins, in the dark, wearing a dark blue costume with stars, above her head is a glowing planet earth. 70 talking about this. . The dancers that impressed her most were Zohair Zaki, Nagoua Fouad, Fifi Abdo and Nadia Hamdi. Then eight dancers dressed in white and holding two electric torches each, spin around her. Shahrzad is an internationally known dance performer and teacher specializing in Raqs Sharqi and various Middle Eastern and North African folk and social dance styles. Greek Line Dance:: George Alexiades, Santa Barbara, CA. February 2018 The ageless huge statue of the stone goddess seems to greet her and welcome her to her temple. It was a mystical and spiritual travel into a realm that went beyond all that she had experienced before. 101K followers. November 2016 ShahrzadShahrzad Drum Solo Improvisation. This understanding of whirling was deepened when she went to Egypt in 1982. Technique & styling for a wide range of belly dance dance moves performed in Egyptian shaabi dance by Shahrzad of Cairo. Belly Dance:: Diana Ferarri, (formerly with Kos Kadas, San Francisco), Santa Barbara, CA. In 1986 she began teaching whirling on a regular basis to a group of women in Dsseldorf, and later on taught whirling to hundreds of women in seminars. } Shahrazad has been very thorough in her studies, but she also takes the artistic liberty to create new forms, all the while respecting the iconographical rules, to make the essentially foreign ideas presentable and understandable for a mostly western audience. In 1990 she co-founded the UCSB Middle East Dance Ensemble with Dr. Scott Marcus and was its director, choreographer, costume designer and principal soloist until 2010, when she retired from the group. Splendid visualizations of the goddess and the mythological history are presented in this production. Ballet and Modern:: Julie McLeod, Santa Barbara, CA. _W.themePlugins = []; _W.recaptchaUrl = ""; Magnolia's elegant and powerful modern Oriental belly dance style is the result of years of dedication. Shahrzad . March 2022 A unique online learning platform connecting Dance, Music, and Culture from Egypt and beyond. [5] Ancient Persia was occupied by foreign powers, first Greeks, then Arabs, and then Mongols and in turn political instability and civil wars occurred.

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