uss long beach vietnam service

Docked at Hobart, Australia during Christmas 1987. (date corrected by Gus Bugoyne). (caption updated by Bill USS Long Beach CGN-9 South Vietnam"* Vietnam Veteran Ribbon Vinyl / Silkscreen Shirt or Sweatshirts ad vertisement by JTKAMERICANAINC. In 1987, the ship was involved in Operation Earnest Will, and it also took part in Operation Nimble Archer by assisting other fleet units with anti-aircraft cover. The first- of-class shipthe first new U.S. aircraft carrier design in 40 yearswill spend several days conducting builders sea trials, a comprehensive test of many of the ships key systems and technologies. The Standard SM-2ER missiles and the associated modern electronics replaced the obsolete Terrier system. The ship was the first nuclear-powered surface combatant in the world. Task Group of Nuclear-Powered Surface Ships operating in formation Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, Chief of Naval Operations; Port bow Aerial view while underway in Massachusetts Bay on her first An SH-3 Sea King damaged by gunfire being hoisted off the fantail of the, Port bow view while underway off Catalina Island, CA, 27 Richmond, VA: 7400 Beaufont Springs Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA, 23225 VIEW CART HOME | CALL 877-241-8611 | FAQ | CONTACT US Home / USS Long Beach CGN 9 YOU ARE SHOPPING USS Long Beach CGN 9 cruise to Sydney, Australia. ; launched 14 July 1959; sponsored by Mrs. Craig Hosmer, wife of Congressman Hosmer of California; and commissioned 9 September 1961, . There was a problem saving this information. Rear Admiral Ralph K. James, Chief, Bureau of Ships; USS LONG BEACH was commissioned without any guns aboard. The United States Navy ships that served in Vietnam include aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates, and cruisers. This event marked the "official" start of the Vietnam Conflict. Posted on On April 19, 1972, the guided missile frigate Sterett shot down a MiG-17 with a Terrier missile. The Long Beach had been refueled during her 1970, 1980, and 1992 refits. In late 1993 and into 1994 USS LONG BEACH performed her "twilight tour" with deployments in Central America and the Caribbean in a Counter Narcotics role. At the time, Long Beach had the highest bridge of any ship smaller than an aircraft carrier. English: USS Long Beach (CLGN-160/CGN-160/CGN-9) was a guided missile cruiser in the United States Navy. In both systems the missiles were launched from a twin-arm launcher, which was fed from behind. Bipartisan. To support Task Force 77 (Operation Pocket Money), at daylight on May 9, Task Unit 77.1.2 a destroyer strike force struck the Haiphong Harbor air defense batteries with a 30-minute . She was reviewed by President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B Johnson during this demonstration of naval power. Same as Mod 0, but as installed in USS LONG BEACH (CGN 9), and the computer was a Mk 119 mod 1. USS LONG BEACH (CLGN 160/CGN 160/CGN 9) Image courtesy of Al Grazevich Flag Hoist/Radio Call Sign: November - Zulu - Xray - Bravo Tactical Voice Radio Call: "ALCOA" Patch image contributed by Mike Smolinski CLASS - LONG BEACH Displacement 14,200 Tons, Dimensions, 721' 3" (oa) x 73' 3" x 31' (Max) Many of these ships were named after American cities, states, and patriotic figures. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. Long Beach steamed over 30,000 miles in 58 days at an average speed of 25 knots, without being refueled or resupplied. She deployed to Vietnam during the Vietnam War and served numerous times in the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. . USS O'Bannon DD450-2. 1987. As such, her main responsibility was to "sanitize" returning U.S. strike aircraft, ensuring that no enemy aircraft were attempting to evade identification by hiding amongst returning friendlies. As the Cold War ended, there were massive cutbacks in the budget regarding the Navy, which led to the decommissioning of the Long Beach in May 1995. we represent clients nationwide. This was completed late in April 1968 and MAHAN remained off the West Coast until departing for the western Pacific in August. She was the third Navy ship named after the city of Long Beach, California.. She was the sole member of the Long Beach-class, and the last cruiser built for the United States Navy to a cruiser design; all subsequent cruiser . The second submarine to carry the name, the USS Grayback was launched on July 2, 1957, and commissioned on March 7 . Veterans can access Vietnam-era ship logs on the National Archives and Records Administration website, site. 2 x 20mm Phalanx Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWSs). [citation needed]. She was the sole member of the Long Beach-class, and the last cruiser built for the United States Navy to a cruiser design; all subsequent cruiser classes were built on scaled-up destroyer hulls (and originally classified as destroyer leaders) or, in the case of the Albany-class, converted from already existing cruisers. Battle Group Romeo (during USS Long Beach WestPac cruise - 13 May to 24 October 1986), USS Wabash (AOR 5) on the superstructure, the ASROC launcher has not yet been placed midships. (AP WIREPHOTO) (wcc31815usn)". From 8 to 27 April 1967, the nuclear-powered cruiser made a Every effort has been made to list the The aircraft carrier USS Long Beach launched her nuclear device and sailed for the first time on July 6, 1961, her first overhaul/refueling took place as early as 1965-1966, when the warship was already in The seat runs about 167,000 miles to travel. 2 x Standard ER missile launchers (replacing Terrier missile launchers). Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. are parked in an arrowhead arrangement. The photos below were taken by me and show the hull of the LONG BEACH laid-up at Bremerton, Wash., on May 12, 2012. If you have already submitted a claim for disability due to the exposure while serving on board any of these ships, then the date of any approved disability will be retroactive to the date of that claim. (CGN 9), in center; and the guided-missile frigate USS The USS Long Beach was most notably involved in missions during the Vietnam War. In fact, it was theUSSLong Beach(CGN-9),a warship that was originally intended to be no larger than a frigate but during the design stage was rapidly increased to thedimensions of a heavy cruiser, which has the distinction of being the first nuclear-powered surface vessel. Retired from service in 1994. . If you have any comments or ways that we can improve this resource, or you would like to help us complete our database of ship log entries, please visit ourResearchpage. The first ever "kill" of a hostile aircraft by a missile fired from a ship occurred on May 23, 1968. See more ideas about cruisers, long beach, us navy. radars. Location: Brookfield, WI. After overhaul and installation of new equipment at Philadelphia NSY, LONG BEACH trained in the Caribbean and sailed 6 August 1963 to join the 6th Fleet in its Mediterranean peacekeeping operations. The cruiser's service was concentrated in the Atlantic Fleet from 1961-66, before transferring to the Californian coast. USS LONG BEACH served her country for 33 years, 7 months and 22 days, until decommissioned on 1 MAY 1995. She was reclassified CGN-160 in early 1957, but was again reclassified as CGN-9 on 1 July 1957. We stationed ourselves north of the carriers, about 50 miles off the coast of Haiphong, NV. Quick Ship Facts Ship's Name: USS Worden Year Built: 1960 Years In Service: 1962 - 1993 During this tour, Long Beach was responsible for directing the downing of one Soviet-made An-2 'Colt' aircraft that was attempting to engage South Vietnamese naval units. With its resistance to high temperatures and its chemical inertia in relation to other substances, asbestos was used in the majority of processes involving shipbuilding, the toxic fibers having been mixed in even with the flooring and with the walls of the vessels. 1960-1964 Deck Logs. The following 4 photos identify all the antennas on the Long Beach. Starboard bow view, underway, date unknown. Took part in Operation Sea Orbit and the Vietnam War. VIETNAM WAR UNITED STATES ARMY MILITARY VETERAN UNIT & OPERATION SHIRT (#231964527319) on 11 March 1970. 9), center, and USS Bainbridge (DLGN Capt. [7] The ship was propelled by two nuclear reactors, one for each propeller shaft, and was capable of speeds in excess of 30 knots (56km/h). The warship was updated in the late 1970s and later operated as part of the UN task force during Operation Desert Storm. [8], Long Beach served in the Atlantic Fleet from her commissioning in 1961 until completing her first refueling in early 1966, when the cruiser was transferred from her home port of Norfolk to Naval Station Long Beach, California. NARA II. 15 April 1968 Second West Pacific deployment. The contact listed, Was the contact at the time for this ship 25 July 1987 12th West Pacific deployment. The task group conducted exercises in the Mediterranean until July, when the Long Beach was assigned to go on an around-the-world cruise referred to as Operation Sea Orbit. The VA's list of ships considered to be operating temporarily on Vietnam Inland Waterways. While we still have our home base in Florida, Shellback Initiation - 25 SEP 1975 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 24 SEP 1976 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 24 SEP 1976 - Pacific Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 17 FEB 1977 - Indian Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 21 JUL 1978 - Pacific Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 16 FEB 1980 - Pacific Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 6 JUN 1984 - Pacific Ocean, Shellback Initiation - 1 JAN 1990 - Indian Ocean. [citation needed], The high box-like superstructure contained the SCANFAR system, consisting of the AN/SPS-32 and AN/SPS-33 phased array radars. One of the reasons Long Beach was a single-ship class was because she was an experimental platform for these radars, which were precursors to the AN/SPY-1 phased array systems later installed on Aegis equipped Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. After ending its operations in Vietnam, the ship did escort duty for other warships in the Indian Ocean and in the Western Pacific. Photo #rg19nn-b1579-001-031_pr from Record Group 19 at NARA II. (ARS-38) crew operated on land to extract USS Clark County (LST-601) from beach after grounding at Duc Pho from November 18 to December 1, 1967 . Starboard quarter view while underway, January 1980, location Instead of receiving a third nuclear refueling and proposed upgrade, USSLong Beach was deactivated on May 1, 1995, after more than 33 years of operational service. [17] In 1975 the ship changed home ports to Naval Base San Diego, California. She was discontinued on 2 July 1994 (in Norfolk) and officially retired on 1 May 1995. Starboard view, looking forward at the after end of the San Jose, CA: 2880 Zanker Road, Ste. Fessenden), Photo #rg19nn-b1579-001-062_pr from Record Group 19 at NARA II, Photo #rg19nn-b1579-001-063_pr from Record Group 19 at NARA II, Photo #rg19nn-b1579-001-064_pr from Record Group 19 at NARA II, The following 4 photos identify all the antennas on the Long Beach. Contact This will provide you with a URL that can be saved as a bookmark or electronically shared with others. Call Sign: November - Zulu - Xray - Bravo USS Enterprise A VA-76 "Spirits" A-4C Skyhawk is about to land aboard USS Enterprise (CVN 65). USS O'Bannon DD 450. overhead view of the USS Long Beach (CGN 9) just before USS Safeguard ARS 25 4.81mb . Most naval history buffs can tell you that the USSNautilus(SSN-571) was theworlds first operational nuclear-powered submarine, while USSEnterprise(CVN-65) was thefirst nuclear-powered aircraft carrier yet many may wrongly assume that the carrier was also the first United State Navy surface warship to be powered by nuclear energy. In April 1962, the vessel was assigned the role of flagship within the units of the Atlantic Fleet. June 1976. Seeking deck log of USS Pennsylvania (BB - 38) for 1925, Seeking Vietnam Deck Logs of USCGC Yakutat (WAVP-380), Find answers to your research questions at, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. as the Weymouth Fore River. Deland, FL: 1607 South State Road 15A Suite 12 Deland, FL 32720, Satellite Offices Crew List:This section contains the names of sailors who served aboard USS LONG BEACH. During the tour, there were numerous foreign people of influence that visited the ship, particularly when it was docked in ports from Africa, but also New Zealand and Brazil. [18] On 19 October 1987, she participated in Kuwaiti tanker reflagging and provided anti-aircraft cover during Operation Nimble Archer. Does NARA have possession of US Navy Deck Logs from 1976 to 1980? On June 25, 2019, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 was signed into law. From December to January 1962, the Long Beach was in the waters of Puerto Rico in order to perform tests of its missile firing which turned out successful. in Feb of 1987 from the. Long Beach was stricken on 1 May 1995, more than 33 years after she had entered service. Long Beach CGN-9, Albany CG-10 and Galveston CG-3 Classes: Date In Service: RIM-8: 1959 RIM-8E: 1962: Weight: 8,000 lbs. This means that symptoms must be present within 1 year of service on the ship, not necessarily a diagnosis. U.S. Navy photo #DN-ST-86-01900 by: PHC L. Foster. Launched in 1961, the warship was the third Navy ship to be named after the city of Long Beach, California and it was not only the first entirely new guided-missile cruiser built after World War II, but also the country's first all-nucelear powered surface warship (meaning the thing could circumnavigate the globe in five months without refueling). 7 June 1975 Change of homeport to San Diego, Ca. From the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. Our latest holdings of logbooks are transferred to us from the Naval History and Heritage Command 30 years after the logbook is completed for the calendar year. *CIDP: Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy is presumptive within (1) year of exposure. Essex CV 9). The bare hull of the once-proud ship, stripped of her nuclear gear and all other military necessities, was finally sold in 2012. It was the first record use of naval SAMs in combat conditions. She was also the last cruiser built for the U.S. Navy as a cruiser design as all subsequent cruiser classes were essentially built on scaled-up destroyer hulls or converted from existing cruisers. This open space was first planned to accommodate the mounting of a Regulus nuclear-armed cruise missile, but was then changed to four launch tubes for the Polaris missile. Partners The two 5-Inch/38 gun mounts which were installed midships (U.S. Navy photo by Matt Hildreth courtesy of Huntington Ingalls Industries/Released). In 1991, she fought with her sister ship, the USS Missouri, in New Jersey, during the United States' involvement in the Gulf War. Now a Senior Editor for 1945, Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer who has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers and websites. does not retain your payment information if you make a purchase. 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