why did paul richardson leave gold rush: white water

Selfish move Dis. Men doing masculine things. Here's what we know. they are all about the dollar and could care less if we the people demand our show back. 'Gold Rush' star Casey Morgan's wife went missing is she OK? Dustin has more grit in his pinky , and the nation wants to see him succeed. Kayla Sheets and her husband, Paul Richardson, revealed why they left Gold Rush White Water; Kayla said she fought hard to be on the show, but Dustin Hurt threatened to cancel the show altogether if she came back. they can take that money out of there pocket. What's his net worth today? Discovery sucks!!!!! I will no longer support these idiots. Disgraceful pulling Gold Rush White Water been waiting for episode 9 S6 hope it goes elsewhere these decision makers should be shaken. Your email address will not be published. As outlined by Distractify, dedicated fans of Discovery'sGold Rush:White Waterhave been asking lots of questions as to the sudden disappearance of dredge diver Paul Richardson from the show as it embarked upon its fourth season. they care only about their money not the artist, actors , workers or audience. I am very disappointed that Gold Rush white Water is going into hiatus. Given how many people are commenting here, people like this show. For me Whitewater is more relatable because it reminds me a little of when I was 12 growing up in the WV Appalachian mountains when my Dad first took me digging Indian artifacts. Its always the same shit! I put in my 2 cents worth here a couple minutes ago about how the entire series (all spin offs included) championed my courage in life and it didnt go through! The most recent addition is "Gold Rush: Freddy Dodge's Mine Rescue," which premiered in January of 2021 on Discovery+, but the most successful and tenured of the bunch has been "Gold Rush: White Water.". I think we all want to see them strike it rich but theres no continuity in programing. Who needs Disney? Going to call and cancel this channel! He was always my favorite on the show. We will help them save their precious money. Hey assholes, yes you assholes who made a tax decision. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. So long Discovery. I Keep waiting to find out what happens next only to discover they postponed the show without letting us fans know? Subscribed to Discovery on my Roku just to watch Gold Rush shows. Talking with Monster and Critics, she said. This is really a stupid move .We paid for this thru VUDU and Im sure everyone else paid thru cable and etc . this is so Ridiculous PERIOD I had to watch Ep. Cable isnt going to last forever and we need options and finishing shows we enjoy watching. Maybe all the networks should give refunds with all of them cutting good shows just to replace with what they think is politically correct smut or so vulgar and other unnatural acts you cant watch. Gold Rush White Water is a great show, disney/Warner/ Discovery has been ruining programs for a year or so now. come on fix it please. Not happy at all. What a disappointment. One day after Season 4 of White Water premiered, Kayla alleged in a tweet that her stepbrother and former co-star, Dustin Hurt (who used to be best friends with Paul), is to blame for the couples exit from the show. Bye greedy losers, terrible news this show rocks and it better come back on. Shawn is a voting member of the Oklahoma Film Critics Circle and a former member of the Society of Professional Journalists. Advertisers, however, spend their dollars for reliable viewers. Smart move. Planning! Here's what we know and where he's been. However, there is another reason this is happening. The Discovery Channel's docuseries 'Gold Rush' is home to several expert miners. I kept thinking, the season cant be over! As a result, they are imposing a break on our episodes airing till the new financial year in April.. I like the show too. F#k you ass hole. And luckily. I want to work with Gene Cheeseman. anyway very upset with not seeing GRWW. I pay monthly and I will demand my money back or will start a class action suit against discovery plus for this blatant misrepresentation of your product. The tweet explained that they aren't on the show due to drama with her stepbrother, Dustin Hurts. These accounting tricks need to be removed from the bean counters arsenals. Bad enough I have to suffer commercials when Im paying for a streaming service. . Get rid of boring ass gold spoon Parker and really save the network some money. Are you disappointed thatGold Rush: White Water is going on hiatus in the middle of the season? IF the show bombs there will be YT revenue to fall back on. It comes the other way around; the miners do what theyre going to do, and we give shape to it. Could have moved the day or kept it going on Discovery +. Fred hangs back in Oregon in the beginning of this season. The studio will use this as a tax loss to save money. I believe this is why they stopped and said it was for tax reasons. I am missing the show, but leave it to some left-wing liberal like you to bring up the name Trump in the comments about gold rush whitewater. You take White Water off, temporarily maybe. But the intricacies of trying to dredge in the boiling water is fascinating.. Yup makes just as much sense as Disneys go woke philosophy of late. Im cancelling my subscription so sick of this. This is a bunch of BS, why start the new season and not finish it. get a clue please and put my show back on damit. I guess making those big 10 Oz seasons are hard to leave. Father and son are both hunting for gold. Feeling for the characters. Very disappointed. 2023 GRV Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved. But we dont just turn the cameras on and shoot randomly. I want this show to succeed but it cant if you dont release it. lets all cancel our subscription. it leaves the door wide open for its viewers to find a different show & then being loyal to that show & never come back. Even in bad situations he's laughing and smiling and making cheesy wise cracks," wrote user CosmicQuestions, explaining that while they tend to be more negative, Minor's happy-go-lucky demeanor can be too overwhelming. Its the best show on TV. Sneak peek of Gold Rush: White Water miners, crews, and machinery for Season 3. Wow! I looked forward to watching this show every week. The bean counters won again. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Since Season 1, the series has been narrated by Paul Christie. One of the worse moves by any network EVER!!. I have a feeling it could all end for Gold Rush w/discovery.. maybe Amazon should take on the Show. I am now selling stock and forever banning anything from them or any who associate with them. One less hour of watching Discovery does have a positive note-I wont have to see and hear those hideous commercials with that idiot Mike Rowe advertising the new and never to be watched Dirty Jobs! Looks Like 'Gold Rush: White Water' Is Slowing Down for a Bit What's Going On? So bad. It seems that there isnt just gold in Alaska, but a whole load of drama too! Really disappointed. He said it had nothing to do with him and he doesnt seem happy about it. Get everybody into the show for the season, and then rip it away? We will wait, if season 6 will come to TV or Stream. Now that the stars of Gold Rush White Water have found reality TV fame, many of them can be found on Instagram. So disappointing. I tolerate Gold Rush because White Water is directly after it! Everyone is sick of Parker. Apparently, Kayla Sheets and Paul Richardson left Gold Rush White Water following a bust-up with Dustin Hurt. I have enjoyed all the Gold Rush programs since the beginning. You just can not do this, and without communicating too. They probably did it to line their already fat bank accounts even more! Or to keep from paying the creatives. What happened to Brennan on Gold Rush? I always looked forward to watching Gold Rush Whitewater. Richardson and his wife, Kayla Sheets, were very popular on the show so fans were left with a lot of questions after watching the latest series. Bet youll re-run the first episodes again 1st omg. He is a coward.". Hopefully Discovery doesnt make this a thing every season and hopefully there will be a few more seasons. Leaving fans hanging like that not good. As well as it runs into the nicer weather and less people watch tv programs that time of year or watch other scheduled programming. Todd Hoffman will not be in Season 9 of Gold Rush, so what happened and where is he today? It was one of a very few shows I watched on a weekly basis. I think the reason is because they wanted all of the fans to watch the new show gold lies &videotape that really sock. Is it anything to do with death? Makes me disgusted with your modus operandi!! View The Gallery. This being the way you do business This will save money when it comes to paying the creatives. Gene you are truly an amazing man. How much Parker is on TV , that little bratty punk not what we wanna see! So, History is owned by A&E Networks, BUT in a joint adventure with Hearst Communications and Disney General Entertainment Content Division; and Disney is scrambling to increase profitability, cutting cost, assuring a more woke agenda in what is called a now non linear world. No communication, no anything. Somebodey is getting screwed. January 3, 2023 by Shawn Lealos 460 Comments. This wasnt a very good idea. Tony Beets has made digging for gold a real family affair. He ran his first piece of heavy machinery, pushing snow in a D6 dozer, at age 6. #fuckdiscovery-warnerbros. One of your best shows. It will hurt their ratings, but life goes on. Bastards! She has always been vocal about her feelings. Disney+ may be on my hiatus list, as in cancelled! Oh and one more thing, did I mention you guys were assholes. No idea it had been put down. Raging. I have been a loyal fan of the Gold Rush series since the beginning. Discovery wont have to worry about tax purposes next year cause theyre going to filing for bankruptcy. Good luck theres plenty to watch for free with very minimal commercials, I guess the show isnt woke enough,this was my favourite show. Great Decision Pencil Pusher!! Bloody stupidist move that I have since I started watching tv in the mid fifties. I also hope this backfires on them and they end up losing money! Get your shit together!!! PUT WHITE WATER BACK ON, we all pay LOTS OF MONEY to watch GOOD programming. we watched it every Friday night together one show me and my wife both can enjoy together now I guess its back to LMN for her and to the other TV for me. To avoid paying taxes? What a bunch of idiots, had a great thing going and now canning it for a few months. They specialize in the risky practice of dredge diving, which they've brought toMcKinley Creek in Haines Borough, Alaska, in pursuit of fortune. Gold Rush White Water season 5 has seen some big wins for the gold dredgers on the show. The Couple Went to Alabama for the Weekend. He has worked under two different bosses in Gold Mining. Thats not rite to Just decided to take off a program halfway through the season?? This is absolutely disgusting that they would do this simply because they can. I agree. Very disappointed that Gold Rush White Water is not coming back for months. Oh no! Why did Paul Richardson leave 'Gold Rush: White Water'? Kayla Sheets has revealed the exact reason why they left and it has all to do with her step brother,. You dropped Gold Rush Whitewater without informing the fans? Being a Walking Dead fan, we can live with a break as long as we know when its coming. so to them I say fuck you, stupid poops!!!! I wont be watching until it does! Very frustrating for fans. So bad move Disney, we have a few simple tv pleasures, this was one of them At least announce or have an advertisement that tells us it will be back. GR is just the same old dig N sift..At least there is adventure in Whitewater. What's the deal with Mike Beets? Nothing will stop these guys - they'll dive in raging torrents with . I agree! Why would you take the hotest most popular show off and leave a joke of a show on? might aswell cancel. I watched Gold Rush White Water for years on DC, and now i have to find out on a forum that those greedy bastards from DC have put the show on hold! Gold rush isnt even entertaining anymore. I just canceled my Discovery + account too. But NOooo you greedy Bastards string us along then just Poof its gone. Out of here, Discovery. Wasting money on something I will never benefit from. I really enjoyed watching the show. stupid execs. Hey just glad it will be finished up in the Spring. Rick Ness's girlfriend, Leese Marie, prefers to keep a low profile. They should have held off on any episodes if they were going to yank it off the air mid-season [for the sake of tax break issues?]. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement unless specified. 'Gold Rush: Dave Turins Lost Mine' is an incredible spinoff off 'Gold Rush' starring Dave in the leading role. What I really liked with Gold Rush WW was the scenery and the equipment they had to use. Gold Rush and White Water were the only reason I have a Disney subscription. Bad move on Discovery that values tax and a bit more money at the expense of people, loyal viewers. One of my favorites. These brave guys and gal provided us hours of thrilling entertainment.They deserve better. Bring it back! Wheres the communication, wheres the thought for fans, you disgust me. There is no official explanation about Gene not being in the show one thing that we can tell; he is content with his family and two kids. to bad all my shows seem to be done for the season. He the little guy, he is The American nation playing out on camera. This tells me the people at the top making all the big decisions have there heads up there *** and only care about the money and not the viewers. He or she who made this decision to pull White Water still feeds from its mothers breast. Thatll truly hurt them )$&)(;). Gold Rush White Water returned for a fifth season in November 2021. Time to cancel. This cant be the best decision! We really like the Gold Rush/White Water show and are upset that it was stopped abruptly in the middle of the season. 'Gold Rush' fans have speculated that Parker and Tyler from the show are dating, but is there any evidence of this? Agreed. So does the absolute fake Alaskan bush people! "I think the little man was intimidated that I could do everything that he did, despite being a woman. You certainly know how to piss off your viewers.cheers. WB is so intent on losing money its strange cos it seems like that is all they care about. Whats the difference? Sheets has butted heads with the more traditional Hurt side of the family on the show multiple times and Dustin has indeed gone on record before the cameras to say that he doesn't think women should be in the field as miners. Its happenned before. We learn what to expect when you take on this life style. So needless to say this news pisses me off. DID THEY FORGET, IF NOT FOR US FANS, THERE IS NO MONEY???!!! "We are there the whole time; we are filming everything we can. Another gold miner unrelated to the show confirmed that the crew is likely paid by commission as well. I might stop Discovery all together if they dont sought it out .Bring back white water, wokeness? We look forward toWhite water every friday. Some of the Gold Rush audience has supported Kaylas decision to leave. White Water is a better show than Gold Rush! He is a coward.". Im totally disgusted with Discovery, and their antics. This is a good way to LOOSE YOUR FAN BASE! Tim continued by writing, the series has been rating well again and this rather short sighted move will obviously harm that. He then said he was a reluctant messenger and they failed to communicate any of this to the shows crew or the fans watching at home. I love Gold Rush and Gold Rush- White Water! Though, according to reports, Kayla isnt currently speaking to her step-father, she told fans that the rest of her family still are and she has no problem with them doing so. The gold shows are very entertaining and WHITE WATER is the best!!! Todd Hoffman is the man behind 'Gold Rush' and yet he walked away from the series. Annoys me that we the viewers have to go searching to understand what happens. They dont ever have the satisfying payoffs at the beginning of the year, so we watched it all waiting for the good stuff I had to search deep just to find this page. This is bullshit. yep, Im totally done with all Gold Rush shows now as well as Discovery Plus. Bring my shoe back now!!!!! want some more ideas just holler. I have been watching this show since the beginning and I love it! Too big to care. Karla Ann Charlton is a 'Gold Rush' fan favorite, but fans of the series haven't seen a whole lot, or any of her in Season 12. thanks for ruining my friday nites with the kids. I hope it moves to another channel if this is the way they run programming, what a joke! The popularity of the show has also inspired several spinoffs such as Gold Rush: Parker's Trailer, starring Parker Schnabel, Gold Rush: White Water, Gold Rush: Dave Turin's Mine, and Gold Rush: The Jungle. There have been a lot of interesting characters we've met through reality television and Joy Dorsey from 'Gold Rush' is one of them. white water was better then Gold Rush. Thanks for leaving us just hanging. Theres alot of other crappy programs that could have been cut. most of the bullshit they have on is reruns from years ago. Same! Nothing will stop these guys - they'll d Read allThe Dakota Boys put together a team of intrepid divers, mountaineers and bush mechanics to go where no miner has ever managed to explore - the depths of freezing plunge pools in white water rapids that have only recently become accessible. We pay to watch this show!!! Why oh why do you pay companys good money to produce fantastic programs for us to watch that have high viewings and following only to take them off air for tax reasons! What a shame. I could understand stopping the program at the end of a season, but not in the middle of one. 8 on Amazon since Discovery delayed the show !! Does he Have a Girlfriend? Disney already rapes people at their parks with outrageous price gouging. Company decisions and sticking stuff behind a paywall is the reason piracy will never die! Tons of offerings out there! Can you say TRUMP TAX RETURNS u may not think its a big deal, but when people like myself literally only watch gold rush and a few other shows on here, whats the point of continuing to pay for a service that doesnt care about their viewers. Was excited when a female started diving into that cold water slurping up all that dirt and hauling up those big boulders. I cant believe they just cancelled it without warning! What is wrong with the studio heads ? "He was a cool person until the moment he married my mom [in 2016]," Kayla said in a 2020 interview with Monsters & Critics. To pull the rug out from under the fans feet is uncalled for. I like gold rush white water the best also, I would like to know if it had anything too do with Justin, throwing the generator in the water, I wonder if he new something was going down,he was really hateful to his workers and friends on the last episode, I never seen him act that way!! Disney sucks! What happened in Haines, Alaska? Later!!!! I watch few shows per week this was one of them that I looked forward to. When were you going to tell the viewers about this? You dont cut a program mid season and leave your viewers hanging. He believes they can beat last year. finally decided to do a search, and found this info, to my big surprise! I just googled it and found out it was taken off abruptly wtf at least. Gold Rush Fans Want to Know Where Karla Is At Has She Been Cut From the Show? Dave Turins show sucks and I wont watch Bush people because it is so fake, yet these shows are still on. After years of Gold Rushing, we're dying to know, what is Dustin Hurt's net worth? Time to find a new channel. Farewell Discovery, Ill be back when White Water is, until then, Im not giving you another f#!#ing penny, I already got rid of cable because of channels doing crap like this. The decision to stop airing it mid season with no valid explanation shows Discoverys contempt for fans. and yet they screw over huge fans that look forward to this weekly! I hope they do also! Paul Richardson and stepdad Fred Hurt are up above as Kayla suited up and descended into the frigid water. His wife, Kayla Sheets, explains their absence from the Discovery Channel show's fourth season. Ive been checking every Friday for the next episode. 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