why is nicoya, costa rica a blue zone

While Nicoyans start their day by eating a healthy breakfast, their diet is not the only secret to living long lives. Certain common characteristics were also established in order to determine whether additional Blue Zones could be added in the near future. Dan Buettner is really the man behind Blue Zones, so I suggest you start your interest with him. It is believed that one factor which may contribute to the high number of Nicoyan centenarians is the high calcium content in the water. O segreto da Zona Azul de Nicoya. Try opting to walk places instead of driving. The Nicoya Peninsula has five cantons where middle-age morality is lowest and centenarians are the most abundant. Most residents here live to be over the age of 90 and there's a high number of centenarians as well. Black bean starter To a small pot over medium-low heat, add one can of rinsed black beans. Nicoya, Costa Rica A Latin American Blue Zone. Lane reasons why Chicago should use the Blue Zones template to improve the lives of people who live there. If we can harness that, we can hopefully improve the health of future generations. This vigorous village is one of the Blue Zones' unique hotspots. A blue zone is a geographical area in which the population is the longest-lived. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Rooms have a mini fridge and theres a communal kitchen plus bikes to rent. The peak nesting time is from August to November and in the days before a new moon, thousands of turtles congregate in the Pacific waiting for the perfect time to come ashore and dig a hole to lay their eggs. They have groups of friend with whom they share healthy habits.". They include good physical and mental health, upholding a traditional diet, a deep faith and spirituality, support and respect to family networks that go across generations, where grandchildren spend time with their grandparents and share in their knowledge, physical activity and constant mobility, and a purpose in life associated with spirituality. A Blue Zone is the name given to one of the areas in the world where a majority of people have a life expectancy of at least 100 years old. The Nicoya Peninsula is on Costa Ricas north Pacific coast. Lunch is the main meal in Costa Rica (its better for your digestion to eat a bigger breakfast and lunch and a lighter dinner). In terms of a definition, these zones are geographical areas with a high concentration of long-lived populations, who frequently reach ninety or one hundred years of age. About two hours down the coast from Tamarindo is Nosara, Nicoyas yoga center (the Nosara Yoga Institute here offers teacher training). But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Currently, three emblematic examples of this Blue Zone include the centenarians Jos Bonifacio "Pachito" Villegas, from Pochote de Quebrada Honda, Nicoya, who rides a horse every day at age 100, Trinidad Espinoza, who recounts anecdotes from Costa Rica in the 1930s continuously while she feeds her chickens, and Dmaso Mendoza, age 102, who, on receiving a visitor, always talks about her years as a dancer and how she enjoys the company of the five generations of her family in Santa Ana de Beln, Carillo. Customer Experience Critical To Consumer Preference: IAAPA CEO Comments On Key Trends, When It Comes To Advertising, Multicultural Representation Is Not Enough. The surroundings dictate ways of operating, not personal decisions. Costa Rica Tourism Board, Institutional Site, Costa Rica Convention Center, Promotional Site, Costa Rica Tourism Board | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Site Map. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. March 2nd, 2023. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Making the smart choice in traditional Blue Zones is often the only choice available, not really a choice at all. For those who might need some meal ideas, Dan Buettner, wrote the Blue Zones Kitchen cookbook. Heres how to plan a trip to the Blue Zone in Costa Rica. Join our newsletter for exclusive features, tips, giveaways! Pablo Jenkins, a regenerative investor and futurist explains that it is a great time to take on that wisdom from the local ancestors and combine it with new regenerative ways of living. It is also one of the world's Blue Zones. Butterflies in Costa Rica The Best Places to See Them, Irazu Volcano Visit the Highest Volcano in Costa Rica, 20 Free Things to Do in Costa Rica That Youll Love, Costa Rica Rental Car Discount Save Up to 20%, The feeling of a sense of purpose in life. He has written numerous books on the topic, but I suggest starting with: Blue Zones of Happiness and The Blue Zones Kitchen (a cookbook). The Nicoya Peninsula is in many ways isolated from the rest of Costa Rica due to geography. Long-living creatures like sea turtles are frequent visitors to the Blue Zone too. It includes the five cantons of the Nicoya Peninsula: Hojancha, Nandayure, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya. That is when brands, businesses and cities will be able to look at Blue Zones like the one in Nicoya and find a model to follow. They wake up. Feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Its also easy to eat healthy in Costa Rica, with its abundance of local foods grown in its fertile volcanic soil. Nicoya. Nicoya is located far off in Northeastern Costa Rica. Rice and black beans, gallo pinto, served with eggs and tropical fruit. Were Thomas (the German) and Sarah (the US-er). Its about 75 miles long and 35 miles wide, with the northern section a part of Guanacaste province and the southern section in Puntarenas province. Costa Rica is known for its pura vida lifestyle and attitude. Although the Blue Zone Project isnt all about diet, and its certainly about more than food for the people of Nicoya it is a big difference from the typical American diet (no matter what type of community). The concept of Blue Zones came from a series of demographic and statistical projects led by Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain, but they were made famous worldwide by the research work of journalist Dan Buettner, along with a team from National Geographic and the publication of his book, The Blue Zones. El propsito de la compaa es promover y crear conciencia sobre el consumo de productos de alta calidad, con valor nutricional y . Dan discovered five places where residents have low rates of chronic disease and live longer than anywhere else. The way Nicoyans choose to live their lives gives us a template from which we can learn to improve our health and find our sense of purpose. Thanks to the peninsula's reputation as one of these Blue Zones, Nicoya has become a haven for digital detox. Changing the American diet and culture around the food we eat can help save lives. If you would like to be near things but get a bit more of a feel for traditional Nicoya life while also enjoying a bit of the touristy perks (surfing, fun restaurants etc.) They feel needed and want to contribute to a greater good. Each region has its own diet, types of exercise, and community structure, but each has specific elements in common - all starting with a sense of purpose. It helps them remain positive. Their traditional diet of fortified maize and beans may be the best nutritional combination for longevity the world has ever known. This Central American nation isn't that far from the U.S. geographically, but it is way ahead of us in longevity. Nosara also has three beaches remote black sand Playa Nosara, Playa Guiones with some of Costa Ricas best surfing, and Playa Pelada for tide pools, blow holes, snorkeling, and swimming. It's a question that inhabitants of Guanacaste are happy to be asking themselves, since it's a true pride for the province's population to be home to one of the five such zones that exist worldwide. Rhuigi Villaseor Kept His Foot On The Gas. Join 19k+ subscribers in receiving FREE travel advice, news & promotions! Nicoyas interior where most of the centenarians and almost-centenarians live and northeastern coast are less visited by tourists but still have much to offer. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. For most Americans, an entrance ramp for a new lifestyle change is through their mouth, Buettner says. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a host of problems, such as osteoporosis and heart disease, but regular, smart sun exposure (about 15 minutes on the legs and arms) can help supplement your diet and make sure youre getting enough of this vital nutrient. Drain and pat the onions dry with paper towel. Demographers have identified the area, located on Costa Rica's northern Pacific coast, as a Blue Zone or "longevity hot spot," typified by a higher-than-normal number of people living past the age of one hundred. There are plenty of good-for-you activities to keep you busy on the Nicoya Peninsula jump in the water with a surfboard or snorkel, get up high on a zipline, stretch out with a yoga class, or take a hike (call it forest bathing if you wish) in a nature reserve. In the interior, the town of Nicoya is one of Costa Ricas oldest and also has one of the countrys oldest churches the Parroquia San Blas, first built in 1544. The Ikarians and the Ikaria is another one of the Blue Zones, and the Costa Ricans, Nicoya, they're taking a nap. A research team is currently researching the . Even the cancer rates on the Nicoya Peninsula are lower than those elsewhere in the world! Specifically, the rural landscapes of the Nicoya Peninsula, where people have some of the longest lifespans in the world. These areas are: Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Ikaria, Greece. These include Nicoya, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; Ikaria, Greece . A hike from the town of Montezuma will bring you past several cooling-off pools on your way to the three cascades of this waterfall, perhaps the most visited one on the peninsula. Spirituality and religious involvement/ beliefs. You can drive to Tamarindo in about 80 minutes from the Liberia airport (its about four hours from Costa Ricas other main airport in the capital, San Jos). Without a doubt, this is a challenge for the next generations, in the context of the world's age pyramid turning upside down, with ever more senior citizens. Where are the world's Blue Zones located? He finished, stating emphatically "please keep it and put the new generation on the same line in the treasure of this Blue Zone.". Also on offer are boat trips to the volcanic Tortuga Islands, where snorkelers might spot angelfish and porcupine fish, and theres a chance of seeing dolphins, manta and spotted eagle rays, and turtles on the way. For example, we know that Nicoya is the driest part of Costa Rica, that it used to be part of Nicaragua, and that more Indians intermarried with the Spanish who began settling here in 1510. Despite that, the area has many of the same ideals that the rest of Costa Ricans have. This healthy breakfast gives them the nutrients they need for a day of tending crops and livestock. All of the international experts agreed that the factors that make healthy longevity possible must be communicated worldwide, in order to reflect on the implications of Blue Zones, unique geographical areas with a high concentration of inhabitants who live to ninety or one hundred years of age, whose aging process is positive, and most importantly, deliberate and active. It was a spontaneous decision to move here, but it was the best decision! We know that the diet here is different than that of the rest of the country, and that the character of the people here is unique in the world. However, Costa Rica's blue zone is so much more. This has paid off, with Costa Rica frequently scoring high in world happiness and environmental rankings. Soltara Healing Center is located on the calm and pristine Gulf of Nicoya in the mountainous jungle of Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula. Do you ever wish you could know the secrets to a long and happy life? But other factors are at play, especially in Nicoya, an 80-mile peninsula just south of the Nicaraguan border. [Try this 5-Minute Tasty Squash and Beans for a taste of Costa Rican homecooking.]. This calcium leads to stronger bones and the ability to stay physically active at a later age. Tamarindo is the most popular destination for international visitors with its golden beaches, many with consistent and gentle surfing waves, and nearby national parks and wildlife refuges. Nicoya has an abundance of accommodation options but these selections should help your Blue Zone focus whether its healthy food, yoga, spa, surfing, and hiking, connecting with family, or getting a sense of purpose by helping protect Nicoyas wildlife and their habitat. Fish is a lean protein and provides oils which help with overall brain function. One thing I found especially interesting is the idea that this long life span is dying out. Jorge Vindas, Costa Ricas Blue Zone expert, says that its a combination of good genes, healthy food and water, regular low-intensity exercise, few vices, a strong connection to family, putting importance on religion or spirituality, and having a sense of purpose. It's also an area identified as a "Blue Zone . The town of Nicoya is considered the oldest in Costa Rica, it is popularly known as "the colonial city". There are several theories about why the Blue Zone of Costa Rica exists, but the most likely explanation is that it is due to a combination of factors. Calles 27 & 29, Ave 2, For just over 15 years he has been monitoring and accompanying the long-lived people that . Let's start with our home - the Nicoya Peninsula.This tropical region in the north west of Costa Rica, has the world's lowest rate of middle-aged mortality, and the second highest amount of men over 100 years of age. obesity, or heart disease. They begin each meal with a prayer. Many of us in Western countries know we need to eat less junk and add more natural food to our diets. Buettner approached National Geograhic with his idea and they agreed to help fund his research. The term first emerged in 2005 in a Nation Geographic magazine cover, "The Secrets of a Long Life.". These factors are present, to some degree, in the other four Blue Zones in the world, according to world experts who participated in the World Meeting in Nicoya in mid-November. It is a template outlining the lifestyles of people who live in places like Nicoya, Costa Rica. The beautiful view of the beaches may also have a hand in this. Blessed with sandy beaches and tropical forest, it's something of a backpackers' paradise. One of the five designated blue zones in the world, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica features residents who live even longer than those in the rest of the country. At the southern tip of the peninsula is Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve. Theyre focused on sick care, and so the actual healthcare is often neglected, says Chaves. The Nicoya Peninsula, in Costa Rica, is one of them, . Staples of the traditional Nicoya diet include homemade corn tortillas, black beans, white rice, a variety of squash, yams, papaya, bananas, and pejibayes. January 18, 2022 . While walking gives Nicoyans a chance to exercise and get fresh air, it also gives them time to enjoy the natural beauty for which Nicoya is known. Nantipas special wellness booking includes yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic and sound therapies, and sessions with wellness coaches and personal trainers. You can hike along trails, go horseback riding, kayak through the mangroves, and swim off the beach. None of these staples are processed, and because all of these foods are locally grown they are not faced with genetically modified or pesticide laden produce. Maintaining close ties with family and friends helps reduce stress. The baby turtles hatch 45 to 54 days later and, if theyre lucky, might live another 50 to 80 years. Still planning? Costa Rica is generally a healthy country because its government decided that education, healthcare, and protecting the environment are more important than funding its armed forces and it abolished its army in 1948. They are eye-opening and heart-tugging. The Nicoya Peninsula, a Blue Zone in Costa Rica, is renowned for its tranquil, laid-back ambiance. Along with starting every morning with a healthy breakfast, Nicoyans also eat nutritious food throughout the day. The town of Nosara, located in the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, is a surfing and wellness hot spot located in one of the five "blue zones" in the world. I have been exploring the data reported by National Geographic and Dan Buettner in the Blue Zones Solution: . First and foremost, the competition to get ahead isnt the same here as it is in some other western countries. It was time for me to conquer the Nicoya Peninsula. It is fascinating to see which factors play into long lifespan including how you can emulate this lifestyle. Blue zones are regions where some of the oldest and healthiest people live. Nicoya, Costa Rica. Of course, there is still a desire for success (especially in the cities) but in general, the priorities are shifted. The Blue Zone of the Nicoya Peninsula stands out for the beauty of its landscapes, its tourist attractions, and its conservation areas, but above all, for the stories told by the long-lived inhabitants of the region, who have exceeded the life expectancy in Costa Rica and continue to be lucid and active, and who enjoy long, healthy lives. What we can incorporate about Nicoya into our culture is the sense of purpose Nicoyans enjoy. Longevity then would not be a luxury only reserved for a few living in Blue Zones, but a reality for billions.. The Power of Nine is the name Buetnner has given to the characteristics that all Blue Zones seem to share. uma atrativa pergunta explica que os habitantes de Guanacaste e sim dvida contar com uma das cinco que existem no mundo um orgulho para todos os habitantes da provincia. 1 - The Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. The Caribbean nation is economically secure and has excellent health care. Another is a focus on family and a special ability to listen and laugh. This provides the nutrition they need to work hard during the day. Throughout the world, the average life expectancy is 71 years of age (70 for males and 72 for females). That's why this part of Costa Rica is designated a Blue Zone, the term used for just five areas of the world where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives. Nicoyas west and south coasts are the most popular for visitors and offer a wide range of accommodations and access to the peninsulas wilderness and activities. The information and example set by the inhabitants of the Blue Zone of Nicoya are highly valuable, and some of the life habits can be emulated, planting a blue seed throughout the country. In mid-November 2017, the first World Meeting of Blue Zones was held. Blue Zones Nicoya naci en 2014, una empresa 100% costarricense, que durante los ltimos 6 aos ha sido destacada por la investigacin de alimentos locales de la Zona Azul de Nicoya-Guanacaste. By TCRN STAFF October 5, 2022 528 0 You can, thanks to the world's "blue zones." In the Nicoya Peninsula, the water is particularly rich in calcium and magnesium which studies show is good for cardiovascular health and preventing cancer. La Senda has a 2.5-acre labyrinth with a two-mile-long path (said to be the biggest in the world) as well as horseback riding. A Blue Zone is the name given to one of the areas in the world where a majority of people have a life expectancy of at least 100 years old. So, Nicoya is another blue zone in the world alongside Okinawa (Japan), Cerdea (Italia), Icaria (Greece) and Loma Linda (California). Your best bet might be finding a VRBO instead of a hotel. Inadequate calcium means weak muscles -- including the heart. For more information read our privacy policy. It is not unusual for many generations to live on one property or in very close proximity to each other. The best way we can mourn those lives lost is to honor them by creating a better future for our children, their children, and their childrens children by making healthier choices now. Toss gently. When on vacation in Costa Rica, its also easy to pick up Blue Zone habits like getting regular outdoor exercise and a good nights sleep (though be sure to go to bed early if you want to do your sun salutations at actual sunrise). Wildlife is abundant. Learn more about typical diet with our Guide to Costa Rican Food. The Nicoya Peninsula has several on offer, including near Tamarindo, outside the Cabo Blanco Reserve near Playa Mal Pais, and above the Montezuma waterfall. These commitments also included mechanisms to develop best practices in health promotion in the "five blue cantons" of the Peninsula, strengthening support networks, and incentivizing the recuperation of life lessons and traditions. If you want to really embrace the Nicoya Peninsula blue zone vibe, head to any small village in the area. I mean, how can you not be happy when the average daily temperature is 85 degrees fahrenheit, you can easily get to the beach or jungle, and youre surrounded by an abundance of nature and wildlife? Not long after, he began to lead trips to the first Blue Zones that he had discovered. Within Nosaras lush forest and a three-minute walk to Guiones Beach, this small hotel has a daily yoga class plus private yoga instruction, surf lessons, a large pool, hammocks, and a juice and coffee bar. Loma Linda, California. Several of Nicoyas beaches like those in the Ostional National Wildlife Reserve are nesting grounds for Kemps Ridley, green, and leatherback turtles. "Looking beyond Costa Ricas Blue Zone in Nicoya, elements that make our population stand out and that describe our focus on well-being can be found in every corner of our territory. If coming from San Jose, the easiest way to get to the Nicoya Peninsula is to take the ferry from Puntarenas. 11 talking about this. Located in northwestern Costa Rica, near the border with Nicaragua, Playas del Coco which is more commonly called Cocois a beach town, popular with both expats and Costa Ricans. This is an excerpt fromBlue Zones: Lessons For Living Longer From The People Whove Lived The Longestby Dan Buettner, copyright 2008, all rights reserved. Are We Headed To A World In Which We Own Nothing? Cala Luna won most innovative wellness hotel from the Global Beauty & Wellness Awards thanks to daily complimentary wellness activities like hatha yoga, bikes to borrow, farm-to-table cuisine (from La Sendas farm) with organic and biodynamic wines, and the innovative treatments at its Lahari Wellness Center spa. Over the last several months, the world has mourned the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. We can no longer afford to allow the COVID pandemic to cause us to live in or out of a place of fear. Try our meal idea that reflects elements of the Nicoyan Peninsula Blue Zoners' diet. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Getting up in the air on tree canopy tours via ziplines and rope bridges is popular throughout Costa Rica. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Win-win! Montezuma is located on the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula making it an ideal place to stay when exploring this unique part of Costa Rica. This goes along with the decision to widen the country's tourism offerings and venture into industries with high potential, such as wellness tourism. Moderate alcohol intake, especially wine. Youll stay in one of 21 suites, bungalows, and villas; lounge in poolside hammocks; walk on the beach; swim; and enjoy seafood purchased from local fishers and bread by the local baker in the open-air Manzu Restaurant thats right on Playa Santa Teresa. Costa Rica as a whole is a happy place. Just note, you might have trouble finding a place to stay. Stir in two chopped plum tomatoes, half of a finely chopped onion and one . In Nicoya, Costa Rica, where average incomes are among the nation's lowest, the average life span is 85among the world's highest. Guest Writer for Wake Up World. The occasion was also used to release the most recent study on longevity by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Poblacin, IDESPO) at the National University of Costa Rica. These regions are considered Blue Zones. Get some sensible sun. Some sea turtles have even lived to age 150. But we must also consider the impact of our individual health and lifestyle choices on future generations. In the southern part of the peninsula, Santa Teresa is a popular surf area that sprawls for miles along the coast. Santa Teresa is great for surfing and enjoying a small but vibrant town with a backpacker vibe. The international attendees also included Dan Buettner, a reporter and researcher for National Geographic, who has been responsible for popularizing the concept of Blue Zones through the publication of various articles and best-selling books that explore the direct connection between this issue and diet, spirituality, purpose in life and physical exercise, with happiness as a cross-cutting element. The template laid out in the Blue Zones Project: natural foods, daily movement, community, and sense of purpose, can help anyone develop stronger immune systems, so they can live healthier and longer lives. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Modern Nicoyans roots to the indigenous Chorotega and their traditions have enabled them to remain relatively free of stress. mobile app. "The five cantons of the peninsula continue to appear with greater longevity and we've confirmed this everywhere we've investigated. They are joined by 42 other centenarians in the Nicoya Peninsula, located in the 5 blue cantons: Nicoya, Santa Cruz, Hojancha, Nandayure and Carrillo (according to data from Jorge Vindas, a field researcher for the Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone Association). It requires descending 17 yards down a ladder to see cave formations that resemble fried eggs, popcorn, roses, and shark teeth. Now is the time for cities like Chicago to learn from the five Blue Zones throughout the world like Nicoya, Costa Rica. In the south between the Paquera ferry and the village of Tambor, youll have an excellent chance of seeing wildlife within the privately-owned Cur Wildlife Reserve. While starting the day off with rice and beans may not be an ideal breakfast for most people, the key to a healthy breakfast is one rich with protein, complex carbs, and antioxidants (minus the preservatives). Meanwhile, last year the average individual from the United States ate 222.2 pounds of meat and poultry. Due to the Nicoya Peninsula's location in Central America, the area has an abundance of warm days with tons of sunlight. Nicoya is famous for being a marvelous playground for surfers all over the world. The world has 5 recognized Blue Zones (as determined by the authority of National Geographic ). By Ty and Charlene Bollinger. Living Hotel partners with the Spacio spa, a five-minute walk away, which has several treatments geared to surfers. Here you will find some of the most beautiful beaches and hotels in Costa Rica, along with lush tropical forests perfect for hiking or horseback riding.

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