1800s slang for woman

The other dominant ideology on gender roles at the time was separate spheres: Women were to rule the domestic sphere (home and raising children) while . Cant: A present; a free meal or quantity of some article. Bloody and bugger were the two most prevalent swearwords in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many establishments and buildings take us on a history trip, helping us to learn about the days of the past. hide caption. While men are called strong-minded and are rarely called bossy, for women it has much less flattering connotation. Things people used to say in old west capture the ambience of the land in ways watching John Wayne westerns and playing Oregon Trail could not. To help inspire a resurgence of vintage slang, we looked back at some of the best words and phrases folks used from the 1800s to the 1960s. Especially in the global hodgepodge that is American English. A term meaning "inferior, noisy singers" that could be used liberally today during karaoke sessions. ( n ) Someone who forces obnoxious people out of public places. Example sentence: "This fancy black-tie party is absolutely full of gorgers.". ( vp ) Help out with something small. You might recognize some of the familiar vocabulary you and your friends used back in the day or learn a few new-to-you jargon you can work into your next convo! If someone wanted to buy some "happy dust," it meant that he/she wanted to purchase cocaine. TANGIER or TANGERINES was a room at Newgate prison where debtors were confined. Anyone that could capture the ram by the tail and hold him, won the ram. Ireland was sometimes called TEA GUELAND. Meaning: This was originally a class thing, denoting a gentleman or somebody of high station, but it evolved into meaning somebody well-dressed. 11) Tell a thumper -- construct a clever lie. People who were tarred and feathered were stripped naked, doused with hot tar, and covered from head to toe in feathers. Library of Congress The bit of pork. It was similar to pig running. You likely have a little knowledge of old-fashioned compliments we've all heard of "the bee's knees" and "the cat's pajamas." Meaning: This described someone who was "in the know" or aware of everything going on around them in the 1920s. Bricky Brave or fearless.. A punning appellation for a justice, or a punny name for a judge. The F-word in the dictionary The F-word was recorded in a dictionary in 1598 (John Florios A Worlde of Wordes, London: Arnold Hatfield for Edw. Cop in this sense is to catch or suffer," Forrester writes, "while the colour of the obligation at its worst suggests the colour and size of the innocent animal named.. The meaning "pertaining to cats" dates to 1902. I thought you had two left feet!". ", Example: "Stop being vazey and call a cab, Brent. they are frequently felt! All Rights Reserved. 5. A legal term from 1889 meaning to prompt., According to Forrester, this low-class phrase means "thoroughly understood.". According to Grose, the term originated from a story of an Irish soldier, who while in battle against the Turks called out to his comrade that he had caught a Tartar. women's adventure travel groups. It basically means the aesthetic cream of the crop the most beautiful person in the room, the stunner you'd be lucky to talk to in a million years. And for more great words to add to your lexicon, learn the 20 Slang Terms From the '80s No One Uses Anymore. The anthology is filled with slang words and terms of the kind dictionary scribe Samuel Johnson had previously deemed unfit for his influential A Dictionary of the English Language (1755). Meaning: Before the '50s called someone a "drip," this was used to describe those types of wet blankets or buzzkills in a group. It is a derogatory phrase, referring to when a cat delicate laps up a bowl of cream. Basque-bodice was often used to label a fancy woman's blouse, and in the later 1800s included sleeveless versions. Yes, its fine for a friend who gets drunk on a rare occasion. A term from Queen Victorias journal, More Leaves, published in 1884: At five minutes to eleven rode off with Beatrice, good Sharp going with us, and having occasional collie shangles (a Scottish word for quarrels or rows, but taken from fights between dogs) with collies when we came near cottages., To get a black eye. TOKEN was a slang reference to the plague or a venereal disease. By . Cute: pretty, 1834 from American English student slang. david holmes i heard wonders; burt's bees international expansion; nutella mascarpone calzone 3) To be Chicagoed to be beaten soundly, as in a baseball shutout. Tora-Loorals Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, and get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. One well-known American TARRING AND FEATHERING victim was the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, their Prophet Joseph Smith. Nineteenth-century sailor slang for "A riotous holiday, a noisy day in the streets." 8. Are you at least going to help me glue my '99 intramural basketball trophy back together? ", Extravagance. Arfarfanarf. Half-mourning: To have a black eye from a blow. A large relaxed penis, also a dull inanimate fellow., A low mean fellow, employed in all sorts of dirty work., An ill-dressed shabby fellow; also a mean-spirited person., A poor sneaking fellow, a man of no spirit., A ragged fellow, whose clothes hang all in tatters., A vulgar address or nomination to any person whose name is unknown Thingum-bobs, testicles.. Someone who was at the top of his profession was called a TOPPING FELLOW, but a rich man was called a TOPPING MAN. Example Sentence: "Oooh, that saucebox shut you down!". It was indecent, of course, but people only used it for the sexual act itself. The information comes courtesy of Chambers Slang Dictionary by Jonathon Green, a noted author of several old-time urban dictionaries. The term usually refers to "a maiden or other woman canvassed by other maiden ladies or others.. (She also liked to kick the gong around; in other words, Minnie hearts opium.). I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. And smelling it. 1880s. Dratted - expletive or used for damned. TUP RUNNING was a sport practiced at fairs in Derbyshire. Screwball - Unhinged, mad. That's the Ticket The proper thing to do, ticket being a distortion of etiquette. Part of the a360media Women's Service Group.Copyright a360media 2023. Malcolm got so boisterous in the bar they bounced him. Back in the 19th century, though, throwing one of these insults could get you challenged to a duel. You are a pippin.". And playing with it. To attack with words or reproach someone was to TONGUE. ( vp ) Dominated by the wife or a woman. "When anyone told a thumper more palpably outrageous than usual, it was sufficiently understood " Reminiscences of the Turf by William Day, 1891. Absolutely perfect young females, circa 1883. Meaning: An amazing, excellent person. Meaning: A sailing term for the curls that lay over a lady's shoulders. Created by Braham the terror, whoever that is. ", Murphy, who also oversees the language-watching blog Separated by a Common Language, says: "English has a rich variety of means for making new words and then a lot of slang is just giving new meaning to old words.". Yes, I know it's the less common use, but that's what he is, Diane. So the next time you want to tell somebody you love their walk, their attitude, their particular take on things, or just think they look amazing in those jeans, you can give them one of these straight in the kisser. "So I went on a regular wake snakes sort of a spree, and I went here and there turnin', twistin' and doublin' about until I didn't know where or who I was," a man testified in court as to why he was intoxicated, according to the New Orleans, La., Times Picayune of Aug. 15, 1842. I prefer my late-night hosts to have weak chins. Candle to the devil, To hold a: To be evil. Forrester cites The Golden Butterfly: "I will back a first-class British subject for bubbling around against all humanity. * However, one early 30s glossary says a moocher is a Single-handed thief, usually of low caste. Authors collection. Marvin had a few too many at the bar last night and the bouncer ejected him. Somebody who reads The Sartorialist and has the faintest idea of what pattern clashing and "working a piece of clothing back" mean. ", Example: "Oh man, I'm so scared of birds, I can't even go outside if there are too many out there. Making Connections Beyond the Language Barrier, A Letter to the Man who Told me not to Speak Spanish in Public, Non-English Words You Should Add to Your Vocabulary, Lets Talk: The Culture of Gendered Language. The following slang, euphemisms, and terms are for the letter T, and primarily taken from Francis Groses Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue published in 1811.. TABBY was a reference to an old maid because old maids were often compared to cats. Queer cove, a turnkey. Even the hobo population created slang of its own, displaying another vernacular that grew out of American culture. Hep: Part of the current musical culture ("That cat is hep!").. Meaning: Having a lot of "cabbage" or cash would certainly make it happy, which is why this was used to describe a large sum of money. If you see that your mate has had one too many and shows no signs of slowing down, you could say that they are powdering their hair. bouncer. The 'bag' refers to the gut which contained the chopped meat., This phrase originated in London in 1882, and means perfect, complete, unapproachable.. 1870s theater slang from the sensation of long skirts trailing on the floor. Hanging: Excellent, outstanding ("Hanging new tie there, old man!"). The phrase "cat's pajamas" is not going to be returning to the popular vernacular anytime soon. "If there was any kind of trading," noted the Grant County Herald in Wisconsin on July 17, 1847, "in which Simon B. TIPPLE was another slang term for liquor, and TIPPLERS were those who drank the liquor. TYBURN TOP was a name for a popular wig. Unique histories from the 18th and 19th centuries, Excerpt of a BBC interview with Geri on May 1, 2017, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), View 18thcand19thcs profile on Instagram, View 117631667933120811735s profile on Google+, Marie Antoinettes Confidante: The Rise and Fall of the Princesse de Lamballe, Napoleons Downfall: Madame Rcamier and Her Battle With the Emperor, Jane Austens Cousin: The Outlandish Contess De Feuillide, Bicycling in the Victorian Era and Lady Riders, A Hanging Known as English Open-air Entertainment, Jack the Ripper: Contemporary Press and Public Suspects, Cat Superstitions in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. For those of you who want a better idea of life in the Wild West, Old West slang terms definitely help get you in that mindset of cowboys, cattle wranglin', and casually overlooked "brothels." You just asked me if Matt Damon was still stuck in space. Meaning: This one's specifically for dudes, and means one with an absolute dreamboat look. He was told there was no game of that kind there, but that if he wanted to see the elephant he was on the right track," the Lawrence, Kan., Daily Journal reported on Sept. 2, 1891. 9. Whitney Houstons Greatest Hits Live On 11 Years After Her Death Here Are The Little-Known Stories Behind Them. Gas Pipes That man over there has his gas pipes on! This is a term that was used to describe an individual that was wearing extremely tight trousers. If you drank TAPLASH, you were drinking thick, bad-tasting beer. The Victorian's love . Slang that Survived the Test of Time By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and that you have read our Privacy Policy. Nanty Narking This phrase was used frequently throughout the Victorian period, as it means that you were having a good time. Whooperups Whooperups is a term that is used to describe a group of terrible singers. Meaning: The roaring '20s used this delightful term to describe liquor or any alcoholic beverage. "Notwithstanding all the calculations of the political economists, the great bottom fact is that one man's honest, steady work, rightly applied, especially if aided by machinery and improved modes of conveyance and distribution, suffices to supply the actual needs of a dozen burdensome loafers," according to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle of Jan. 31, 1871. TOASTING IRON or CHEESE TOASTER referred to a sword. He told me he was personal friends with an Nigerian prince who needs help, and I'm starting to believe he's never even been to Nigeria. You may not get much comprehension, but once you explain it, they may be flattered. Queer bid, insolvent sharpers who make a practice of billing persons arrested. She was not her mother or grandmother's old-fashioned woman. Buzzing: Stealing, esp. A figure of speech used to describe drunken men. : any of various chiefly Old World oscine birds (family Motacillidae) related to the pipits and having a long tail that they habitually jerk up and down. Every once in a while, a slang phrase has staying power, like "hip" or "groovy." But those are the rare exceptions; the vast majority of slang gets one shot at glory. If you had TRAP STICKS you had thin legs. If you call someone a butt sniffer, they know they've been burnt (Phillips sure did!). throw a bone. Sassenach - From the Gaelic word sasunnach, meaning Saxon, and used to describe non-Gaelic speaking Scottish Lowlanders (and our English friends). best charter schools in nashville. Meaning: Victorian-era competitors used this phrase when they were crowned the winners. (Usually a female.) 12) Wake snakes get into mischief. 1880s. In its earliest attested use (1756), the word slang referred to the vocabulary of low or disreputable people. "That clay-bank hog wants the same pay as a Senator; he's getting too high for his nut," according to a grammar-corrected version of the Oakland, Calif., Tribune on Jan. 12, 1885. Hotter than a June bride. Here are some other words meaning female: Ball and Chain (wifehmmm, sensing a pattern here), Dawn Patrol (restaurant lingo for a young woman who regularly patronizes the joint very early in the morning), Herring (an incorruptible girl Herring was the brand of safe that couldnt be dynamited open ), Moll (girlfriend, a Gun Moll is a gangsters girlfriend), Mugbug (girl who gives in easily, the opposite of a herring), Pigeon (girl who sits with the driver in the front seat of a rum-runners car or boat to give it an air of respectability), Whiz Bang (waitress easily dated by customers). Describing an illustration, a reporter in the Gettysburg, Pa., People's Press of May 22, 1835, wrote: "A gentleman a little 'how came you so' with his hat on the back of his head, is staggering about in the presence of Miss Fanny, who appears to be quite shocked.". Example Sentence: "Dude, that Instagram post was pure flutter bum.". Further, it can be deleted based on my request. You can't drive. Look, if you make a lot of money, throw your old friend a bone. ", Example: "Quit being such a meater and jump out of the plane, Frank! A shabby person or an unpleasant, deceitful landlord. ", A second-rate singer who produces noise rather than music, Example: "Get that whooperup belting Celine Dion off the stage! Telefon: 0542 511 20 02 But please don't, I fear pigeons the most. TARRING AND FEATHERING was a punishment inflicted on persons convicted of certain crimes or suspected of disloyalty. Queer chum, a suspicious companion. False dice were known as TATS, and someone who used them was known as a TAT MONGER. Moll (girlfriend, a Gun Moll is a gangster's girlfriend) Mugbug (girl who gives in easily, the opposite of a herring) Number Paznazki (loose woman) Pick Me Up (yep, another loose woman) Pig (chorus girl) Pigeon (girl who sits with the driver in the front seat of a rum-runner's car or boat to give it an air of respectability) For history buffs and word nerds, You jerk just doesn't have the same ring as You unlicked cub, an insult from Georgian England. A society word meaning smart. Forrester demonstrates the usage: "The goods are not 'afternoonified' enough for me.. Abandons - Foundlings. Low London phrase meaning to thrash thoroughly, possibly from the French battre a fin. Go By the Ground: A short person, man or woman. 3 Bras for Mature Women That Properly Lift and Support Breasts. Chiselled chin, clear eyes, cheekbones higher than the Alps they tend to stalk catwalks a lot. How are you translate in Newari language? The inhabitants of Dublin exacted their revenge by christening their chamber pot a TWISS. THUMMIKINS was an instrument formerly used in Scotland, similar to a vice, that pinched the thumbs of persons suspected of a crime in order to extort a confession. So, the term TOAD EATER was applied to fawning, obsequious people or mean sycophants and was a figurative way of putting up with or swallowing insults, as that was supposed to be as disagreeable to a person as toads to the stomach. An inmate, pig, trader, hustler, and moll were all slang terms for prostitute. a sewing bee, quilting bee, or cornhusking bee. What someone has when they talk or gossip too much. TICKLE TEXT was a nickname for a parson, but TICKLE TAIL referred to a mans penis. We asked Lynne Murphy to comment on a few items in the list above. 1900s 1. Again, another one to be careful with. Example Sentence: "I take you, my oyster, to be my wedded wife.". Zooey Deschanel is probably the cutest bug's ear we've got these days. It means his penis doesn't work. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I think I'm going to call the police. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It has gone through a number of meanings and spellings since it first began being used . A delightful way to refer to your rather boring hands. Queer cat lap,bad tea. Fly Rink This is a term that came about in 1875 to describe a polished bald head. Unsavory characters and criminals wore it because they could comb the foretop over the eyes. Make a Mash - Make a hit, impress someone. If you were a drunkard you might be known as a TOSS POT or a TOSSPOT. Previously (1731), as a shortened form of acute, the word meant "clever.". Hoosegow (jail or prison) Meathook (a hand) On the make (being flirtatious with the opposite sex) Short (a streetcar) Simp (foolish, stupid person) Steam up (build up, agitate) Vigorish (high interest on a loan) But not all 1910 slang words have disappeared from our vocabulary. Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship? By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Richard Twiss wrote a travel book titled A Tour of Ireland in 1775. 9) Some pumpkins -- a big deal. Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship? A type of beard "formed by the cheeks and chin being shaved leaving a chain of hair under the chin, and upon each side of mouth forming with moustache something like a door-knocker.". Common slur used for Alaskan Indians. Do you know what a thetan is? Amorous congress was a euphemism for sexual intercourse, as was TWO HANDED PUT. Below are some of the tome's most hilarious, vivid, and archaic insults, arranged in alphabetical order for your put-down pleasure. Hidey Ho was a Lenox Avenue heads up for the Hos of long ago! central de sermones el valle de los huesos secos; rapid testing burlington, vt; best 17 hmr ammo for coyotes; bucks fizz crash what happened; taiwan shoe size chart; 1800s slang for woman1800s slang for woman. fullstory layoffs atlanta By On Juil 2, 2022. Or you could ask them to mind the grease, which meant the same thing to Victorians. The 19th-century city produced some of the most delightfully obscure slang: 'it smells of garlic here', meant 'there are lesbians about' and 'chestnut gatherer' meant sodomite. 1800s slang for woman. what is brent draper from masterchef doing now 1800s slang for woman. Lass is a word redolent with the color of Scottish, Irish varieties of English as well as the dialects of the north of England. Bring him along then, said he. A TYBURN BLOSSOM was a young thief or pickpocket who it was believed would in time ripen and become an excellent thief or pickpocket. Follow me @NPRHistoryDept; lead me by writing [email protected]. Some definitions from the time insist that this person's value lies in their amazing generosity, because they love to pay for everything when you get together, and won't hear of you grabbing the check just once or even going Dutch. 6) Lally-cooler -- a real success. Well cross that bridge when it gets here. Chuckaboo Im off to the bar for a drink with Chuckaboo. We all remember popular slang from the past like groovy and bees knees, but there are so many other fun words and phrases that used pop up in everyday conversations over the years. Mumbling cove. 4. The thing about slang from different ages is that it tends to embody the societal values of that age so lists of British and American slang from olden times tend to be varying mixes of racist, sexist, and homophobic. Hopefully. Example Sentence: "That shirt makes you look like such a glorious tomato.". The man whose wife fetched him from the ale house was known as a TENANT AT WILL, but a married man was said to be a TENANT FOR LIFE. ", 10) Like Thompson's colt -- doing something unnecessarily, like jumping a fence when the rails have been removed. But burns like "flapdoodle" and "mumbling cove," on the other hand, don't have quite the same bite. A TORMENTOR OF SHEEP SKIN was a drummer and a TORMENTOR OF CATGUT or a CATGUT-SCRAPER was a fiddler. Afternoonified. Bow wow mutton A naval term referring to meat so bad "it might be dog flesh." 9. ", How This New Yorker Went On 28 Dates In 28 Days, 35 Groundbreaking Women From History You Didn't Learn About In School, It's Hot When People Call You By Your Last Name, 3 Ways To Manifest Good Vibes During March's Full Worm Moon, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. What your grandfather would call a "firecracker." ballin wealthy lifestyle, making money. dollymop - A woman who dabbled in prostitution during the Victorian era. 1930s. Required fields are marked *. Buttoner: A sharper's assistant who entices dupes. Make A Raise - To raise, procure, obtain. Example Sentence: "How can you still look like such a buck after dancing until 6 a.m.?". Had her own table in the school lunch room, and probably has over a thousand Facebook friends. Salma Hayek is a Sheba. Bridget "Biddy" Mason is famous for being the first African-American woman to own land in Los Angeles, but that pales in comparison to many of her other accomplishments.Biddy was born into slavery in Mississippi. Too much extravagance. If so, this term for someone who's had a bit too many rounds will make a lot of sense. Here are an even dozen, pretty much forgotten slanglike words or sayings from the 19th century, rediscovered while delving in the archives and with added guidance from James Maitman's 1891 American Slang Dictionary: 1) Too high for his nut beyond someone's reach. Please note that this form cannot be used to reset your Google or Facebook password. Adroit after the manner of a brick," Forrester writes, "said even of the other sex, 'What a bricky girl she is. tied to an apron string. As distinguished from "whole-mourning," two black eyes. Horoscope: Whats in Store for You February 27 March 5, 2023? But this one also seems pretty gender-neutral. Herein are 50 vintage slang terms that once-upon-a-time dominated the world, today . That girl you know who enters rooms dramatically, dances all night, couldn't care less about your opinion, and never seems to lack energy? Meaning: This one's kind of cute. New slang words are invented everyday. Wear iron: Carry a gun. From approximately 1890 to 1919, that term meant they were going to blow-up a safe to rob it, and the person doing it was likely a yeggman, slang for safe robber. Bae. chillin spending time with your friends. Also applied to a street prostitute. THATCH-GALLOWS referred to a rogue or a man of bad character. A saucebox is usually somebody young who's always got awesome comebacks that tend to go viral if they're captured on social media. french bulldog puppies statesville, nc. Flummadiddle is the sort of word that rolls nicely off the tongue, and even if people with whom you use the word don't quite know what it means the conversation will be the richer for its presence. Slang, being a language of synonyms and . The blind alley. Hey, it smells delicious. How To Save Your Cat or Dogs Life if They Are Choking, Cant Bend to Clip Your Toenails? Hotter than a $2 pistol. So instead of thinking up new words to add to the dictionary, you should try using some of the old ones. A THORNBACK was an old maid and might have been used to describe Jane Austen and her sister Cassandra, as neither woman married. ", A bungler, or one who does things clumsily, Example: "God, Karen you are such a foozler. While use of the term hello dates back earlier, it isnt recorded with this exact spelling until the 1800s. I'm not sure why I don't like her, but she sucks. His TARRING AND FEATHERING happened in 1832 by an anti-Mormon mob. I didn't take her to raise. A Blowse, or Blowsabella An unkempt woman: "A woman whose hair. In the late 1300s, nasty described something as "filthy." By the 19th century, nasty was widely characterizing people as "irritable" or "contemptible." We can find nasty applied to girl since at least the 1700s, negatively describing young women as "mean" or "lewd"and in early 1800s slang, positively describing them as "excellent" or "very attractive," just as . TOMMY was what sailors called bread in order to distinguish it from biscuits. To THOROUGH COUGH was to cough and break wind simultaneously. Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship? Here are ten of the best fun and fascinating terms that were used throughout the 1800s. A doctor and a mountebank made all sorts of experiments upon the mountebanks servant. Queer vinegar, worn out woman's cloak. I understand my email and name will be used only to communicate with me and will not be shared with 3rd parties. Meaning: This is what some people called umbrellas back in the day, but kind of sounds more like a nice way to describe snoozing through a rainy day. If you look ripe enough to bite into, you're a total tomato. Native Americans. Can you guess what these 20 old-fashioned terms of endearment mean? "It is shinning around corners to avoid meeting creditors that is sapping the energies of this generation," opined the Dallas, Texas, Daily Herald on Oct. 31, 1877. A TITTUP was to be lively or gay and was said to imitate the sound of horse hooves when in a gentle gallop or canter. TANDEM referred to a two-wheeled chaise, buggy, or noddy, that was drawn by two horses, with one horse placed before the other. Meaning: Have you ever heard beer referred to as "suds"? It means he has had many arfs, arfs being half-pints of booze. Example: Hey man, sorry Im late. at night. This piece originally ran in 2013; it has been updated for 2022. Picking Pockets. Many establishments and buildings take us on a history trip, helping us to learn about the days of the past. 7) Shinning around -- moving about quickly. Riddy - A red face, embarrassed. Taurus and Leo Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship? A white or fair-haired person was said to be TURNIP-PATED. The word was used well into the Edwardian era, but of course the styles changed annually. Use left arrow key to move back to the parent list. (American Indian Movement) Kukolokod. TALLYWAGS or TARRYWAGS was an eighteenth and nineteenth century euphemism for a man's testicles. You see, dame is only one of many terms folks in the Great Depression had for the chromosomally Y-challenged half of the population. Bee: a gathering of friends for a common purpose, i.e. Church Bell Church bell is used to describe a woman who doesnt shut up. I feel like a banjo. She's a bearcat. The Online Slang Dictionary of American, English and Urban Slang say this word is used to describe Alzheimer's disease.. And interestingly . Highfalutin'. Ruby Murray; Prime Minister Robert Cecil; Laurence 'Larry' Foley A true friend was a TRUSTY TROJAN or TRUSTY TROUT. A shilling in Ireland that passed for a thirteen pence was known as a THIRTEENER. This creative cuss is a contraction of damned if I know., A phrase meaning "elderly," because it "makes the spectator giddy to think of the victim's years." "Passing English ripples from countless sources, forming a river of new language which has its tide and its ebb, while its current brings down new ideas and carries away those that have dribbled out of fashion." in his absence., An unkempt woman: A woman whose hair is dishevelled, and hanging about her face; a slattern., A lewd woman, or one that plays with her tail; also an impotent man, or an eunich., A poor, miserable, emaciated fellow., A lazy fat woman a frowzy old woman., A lewd graceless youth, one naturally of a wicked disposition., A large head; metaphorically a stupid fellow..

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